[ Created: 2018-09-12 06:18:50  Updated: 2019-01-27 04:13:15 Owner: rl ]
Title: Law that operates in the SpiritRealm     

SpiritLaw existed before PhysicalLaw.   

SpiritLaw trumps Physical Law.   

Scientists study PhysicalLaw.   Technology is the product of application of PhysicalLaw.   

SpiritLaw may also be studied since there is evidence of it in the Physical Realm.   

However, the powerful aspects of SpiritLaw are understood by Revelation.   

The method of Revelation is the Word of God.   

God is a Spirit existing in all dimensions.   The only time we have seen Him is when He walked the earth as Jesus.   

God operates in the SpiritLaw Realm.   

Here are some of the SpiritLaws :

  1. WordOfFaith
  2. SeedTime and Harvest
  3. Sowing and Reaping
  4. Love never Fails
  5. Wages of Sin is Death
  6. Gift of God is Eternal Life