[ Created: 2018-09-01 19:21:02  Updated: 2022-06-25 23:55:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: The man made System that controls     
If man comes up with anything worthwhile he will work to take advantage of it and control it by implementing a system.   

The system eventually takes on a life of its own such that nothing is done outside of the system.   

The people who are benefitted by the system sacrifice all other values in order to function in the system and ensure the system's continuance.   

And so we have the statement: "because that's the way it is".   

This analysis applies to Government, Business, Education, Media, Entertainment, Sports and Religion.   

Trump Understands Systems and people.   He Knows the Power of the people and the strangulation of Systems.   

Thank God.   He is a Gift to America.   

20200430 - Update

" What we are dealing with in America can no longer be considered "swamp".   It is an un-American, un-Constitutional regime of atheistic, fascist usurpers.    " - R Lucas

Have you ever heard the phrase "you can't fight city hall"?   

I heard this term as a very young man but it didn't worry me.   Why?   Because I was naive, believed in my government and trusted men.   

And, when I was young I think that there was some basis for that belief and trust.   

However, we have seen an exponential increase in lying for which the Liar never has to give account.   

We have seen the Political division in out country become completely polarized.   There is no middle ground.   

I now realize that The System which has evolved by the gradual but persistent chipping away of America's foundation of Faith, Freedom and Fearlessness by Atheistic Socialists is firmly in place.   

About ten years ago I faced a civil suit.   I hired a lawyer and discussed my intent to fight the suit in court.   I was told that I would not be able to speak my mind; that the prosecution would present their experts and the defense would present their experts and the court would determine an outcome.   In a nutshell, he was telling me that the system was in control and I was a pawn to it.   I settled out of court to evade the system.   

Well, that legal system is part of The System which runs our country.   The insidious growth and entrenchment of The System has reached a point where it is openly arrogant, defiant and disdainful of any attacks against it.   

We are now seeing anarchists elected to office, speaking against America and American values and institutions, proposing un-Constitutional legislation, spending taxpayer money to buy votes, knocking down borders to enable illegal voters into the country, blocking any attempt to ensure the legitimacy of our elections and ridiculing and marginalizing Christianity and Capitalism.   

The System has for all intents and purposes become mainstream.   It did this by undermining the integrity of every person in Government and Academia through "gifts" and "perks".   

When a person joins the Mafia, they are immediately given a job which criminalizes the person and ensures their loyalty under the threat of being turned over for their crime.   

This is exactly what has made The System so strong, so impregnable.   Every person in Government is forced to sacrifice their principles either subtly or blatantly as soon as they join.   This is true in the bureaucracy as well.   

" Company loyalty" you can call it.   "Turn your head", "sign without reading", "go along with", and "compromise" are requirements for raise and promotion.   

Once you have violated your principles and integrity it becomes easier and easier.   And, in order to maintain your self-esteem, you convince yourself that you are doing nothing wrong.   You are doing it for the good of The System.   

If you ever watched "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", you saw how the invaders systematically absorbed each human into the invaders' system.   They would not allow anyone to not join them.   

Those who are in The System don't use "pods".   That would be too obvious (and scary).   They play on human selfishness with money and power to lure their prospects.   

In medical terms, once an infection is spread so widely in a body, the patient is beyond recovery.   The infection's system will destroy the patient's system and the patient dies.   

Let me just remind you of the original American System.   It was based on Faith in God, Love of Freedom and Personal Responsibility and Accountability.   Our Declaration Of Independence and our Bill Of Rights along with the Bible clearly set the foundation for the Amercan system.   

The System that is supplanting the American system is Atheistic, Fascist Socialism.   It has taken control of the Seven Mountains and is now virtually undefeatable.   

The only way The System will be defeated is if there are enough men and women who trust in God, stand on the Constitution and are willing to give their lives for their Faith and their Constitution.   

You see, only such people have sure foundations and the strength that a sure foundation brings.   God is our Spiritual foundation.   The Constitution is our Political foundation.   

The System hates us and will resist us with Lies, accusations, and name calling.   They will use un-Constitutional laws and false executive powers to thwart us.   

We have the Truth and it is stronger than Lies.   

But do we have the Courage?