- 610 AD - Muhammad began receiving what Muslims consider to be divine "revelations"
- 632 - Muhammad dies and the warring factions Shia and Sunni are born.
- 700`s - Islam is spread by force across North Africa and into Spain
- 732 - Battle of Tours, France where Charles Martel defeated an Islamic invasion that threatened Western Civilization.
- 827 - Islam conquers Sicily
- 846 - Rome is invaded
- 1072 - The Normans drive the Muslim rulers from southern Europe
- 1200`s - India is conquered by Islam
- 1200`s - Ottoman empire begins
- 1354-1526 - Islam captures Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Hungary
- 1453 - Muslims ( Ottoman empire) capture Comstantinople (Istanbul)
- 1614 - Muslims rulers driven from Spain by Phillip III
- 1680-1700 - Europe unites ( Holy League) to drive Ottomans out of much of southern and eastern Europe
- 1922 - Ottoman empire is dissolved after fighting alongside Germany in WWI
- 1922-pesent - Islam tries to restore Caliphate (military power of Islam) while silently invading Europe, America and other parts of the world