[ Created: 2018-08-11 08:48:40  Updated: 2020-05-16 07:52:22 Owner: rl ]
Title: Christ's Finished Work     


God is not just a safety net.   He wants to protect you from harm and provide for you in advance of your need.   

Is He available before the Problem, or Only after?   by Barry Bennett

I was Speaking with someone recently who made a comment that resonated within Me.   They said, “God is Not Just a grief counselor.”

The Idea behind the statement was that so many Christians view their Relationship with God as one of consolation after a failure or tragedy.   If You are hurting, broken or devastated, You can count on God to “be there for you”.   

We usually Hear the following statement in such times: “God has everything under control.”

While I don’t want to diminish the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in comforting and Healing the afflicted, when we reduce God to the mere role of grief counseling, we are accepting the Idea that we have no resources in this world and that we are at the Mercy of adverse circumstances.   

We are Just trying to hang on until He comes or we pass from this Life.   Is this an accurate view of God?   

Consider for a moment what God has given to us and what He expects of us:

  1. We are expected to Reign in Life (Rom.   5:17)
  2. We are expected to Pray Believing, and Receive what we Ask for.   (Mark 11:23-24)

  3. We are expected to put on the whole armor of God and stand.   (Eph.   6:13-18)
  4. We have been given the Name above All names.   (Phil 2:9-11)

  5. We can be endued with Power by the Holy Spirit.   (Luke 24:49)
  6. We have been given exceeding, precious promises.    (2 Pet 1:3-4)
  7. We are partakers of a better Covenant.   (Heb.   8:6)

  8. We have the keys of the Kingdom.   (Mt.   16:19)
  9. We have Authority to bind and loose.   (Mt.   16:19)

  10. We have the Authority of the Word of God.   (Acts 14:3)
  11. We are seated with Him in Heavenly places.   (Eph.   2:6)

  12. No Weapon formed against us should Prosper.   (Isa.   54:17)
  13. By His stripes we were Healed.   (Isa.   53:5)

  14. We can tread upon the works of the Enemy.   (Luke 10:19)
  15. We can resist the Devil and he Will flee.   (James 4:8)

This list could go on and on.   In other words, God is more than a grief counselor.   He has provided us with more than enough to take charge of our Circumstances and establish His Will.   

We can be proactive with our resources, or we can sit back and be overwhelmed with the storms of Life.   The Choice is ours.