[ Created: 2018-08-09 00:35:48  Updated: 2023-12-03 15:05:37 Owner: rl ]
Title: A place where you learn about healing and be healed    



A Brief Review of My healing Course by Barry Bennett Jesus never taught healing.   He preached the kingdom and demonstrated the kingdom.   Healing is a part of the kingdom.   

Faith is born when God’s will is known in the heart.   Jesus came to do the will of the Father and healed All who came to Him.   God’s will is revealed through Jesus.   

Jesus Will meet You at your point of faith.   He responds to your faith.   

There is a difference between a renewed mind and true faith.   Faith is of the heart.   With the heart man believes.   Many try to believe with their minds and struggle with receiving from God.   

The church was commissioned to heal the sick.   The church should be the enemy of sickness.   

God will not use sickness to perfect You any more than He would use sin to perfect You.   Sicknesses are referred to as curses, not blessings.   They are bondage, oppression, works of the enemy and captivity.   

If sickness is ever the will of God, then All hospitals and doctors are of the devil and in rebellion to God.   It would be rebellion to seek medical assistance if sickness might be of God.   

Healing is a legal issue, not a sovereignty issue.   God has already established His will through the cross and the demonstration of Jesus healing All.   Sin in the human race is the root.   Sickness is a fruit.   If the root is dealt with, the fruit can be dealt with.   

Being delivered from the power of sin does not force You to walk in holiness, and being delivered from the power of sickness does not force You to walk in health.   Health and holiness are decisions we must make.   

If divine healing exists, there must be a spiritual Law that sustains it.   Things don’t just happen by chance.   Redemption was a legal act and All of the benefits of redemption are upheld by the Word of God.   The Law of faith receives what God has provided.   

In the first passover, and in the Lord’s supper, the body and the blood represent forgiveness and healing.   His body was broken for us.   

Sickness entered the world through sin.   Sickness is incipient death.   

Health can be affected by the emotions, the mind, the Spirit and the body.   Healing is not just about the body.   It is for the whole man.   One can be born again but still suffer in the soul and mind, and sickness can result.   

Personal sin can produce sickness.   Strife can produce sickness.   Spirits of infirmity can produce sickness.   Poor diet, over extending oneself and fear can produce sickness.   Trauma to the body, mind or emotions can produce sickness.   

Fear and faith are opposites but work in the same way.   

Are You the sick trying to get well, or are You the healed resisting sickness?   You cannot be double minded about your life and health.   You cannot waver.   Your heart (faith) will determine your destiny.   

If healing was a promised blessing under the Law, how much more is it available in the better covenant of Grace!   

God created all things by words.   Words are vibrations, sound waves.   Divine sound waves were released and the visible appeared from the invisible.   Death and life are in the power of the tongue.   We have the capacity to make alive or kill with our words!   

Many sicknesses are word induced.   Sicknesses may have their roots in the words that others have spoken over us in the past.   God’s Word is life, health and healing.   

According to your faith be it unto You.   Faith is the revelation of the will of God in the heart of man which produces certainty, conviction and action.   

Faith comes by hearing…..and hearing comes by the Word of God.   Hearing must be spiritual in order for faith to come.   Hearing God is the key to everything!   

Human faith can heal you but human faith can fail.   The God kind of faith does not fail.   

Your words don’t determine your faith.   Faith determines your words.   Knowledge about faith isn’t faith.   Faith is not static.   Like a seed, faith can grow.   

On the cross Jesus destroyed the power of sin and redeemed man from its curse spirit, soul and body.