[ Created: 2018-08-04 20:50:33  Updated: 2020-04-16 18:49:42 Owner: rl ]
Title: Fearful , Unbelieving , Doubtful , Defeated    



Afraid?   by Barry Bennett The spirit of fear is the normal inclination of natural, fallen man.   Faith was transformed into fear in the Garden of Eden, when man sinned.   

Though we are born again many still struggle with fear due to an un-renewed mind or from living according to their emotions and not according to the Spirit of God.   Fear is ignorance of God’s love.   

Fear is literally faith in the devil, people or circumstances to do you harm.   

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.   But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.   (1Jo 4:18)

Fear gives birth to torment.   Fear is the sign that love has yet to be perfected in the heart of the fearful person.   It is an indicator that one’s relationship with God is more mental than spiritual.   

The key to being free is to know the love of God.   As a born again Christian the love of God has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit ().    But you must have a revelation of that love.   God’s love will transform you from fear to faith.   

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” ()

Fear is bondage.   You can be in bondage to the opinions of others, bondage to vices and destructive behavior, bondage to the past, and even bondage with regard to facing the future.   Until we can rest in the peace and joy of our Father, we won’t be truly free.   

Let God fill you with His light and love.   Don’t focus on fears.   Focus on the love of God.   The fears will disappear and the Truth will set you free ().