God Gives the Increase ! by Barry Bennett
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the Increase. ( (1Co 3:6 )
One of the most incredible Truths Found in the Gospel of the Kingdom concerns how Increase takes Place. The Gospel is a message of Increase. From the moment we are Born again, Increase is at Work in us and available to Us. God wants there to be Increase ( Blessing ) in our Lives on every level, Spirit , Soul and body.
The Born again Spirit demonstrates Increase. The renewed Mind is Increase. The Fruit of the Spirit is about increase.
Let the people Praise thee, O God ; let All the people Praise thee. Then shall the Earth yield her Increase ; and God , even our own God , shall bless us ( (Ps. 67:5-6 )
The Lord shall Increase You more and more, You and your Children. Ye are Blessed of the Lord which made Heaven and Earth. ( (Ps. 115:14-15 )
A wise man Will Hear , and Will Increase learning; ( (Pr. 1:5 )
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the Fruit of his Mouth ; and with the Increase of his lips shall he be Filled. ( (Pr. 18:20 )
Of the Increase of his Government and Peace there shall be no end, ( (Isa. 9:7 )
Now he that ministereth Seed to the Sower both Minister Bread for your food, and multiply your Seed sown, and Increase the Fruits of your Righteousness ; ( 2 Cor. 9:10 )
And the Lord make You to Increase and Abound in Love one toward another ( 1 Th. 3:12 )
It doesn’t matter what area of Life we Speak of, God is interested in Increase. The fundamental Truth that must be understood is that of the Seed. Everything is Seed. Everything You have and You are can be seen as a Seed which has the potential to be a Harvest. Once a Seed is sown, whether it be a thought Seed , a Word Seed , an action Seed or a resource Seed , God has Created the Universe to cause that Seed to multiply. God Gives the increase.
Do You want Increase ? Let your Thoughts , words, actions and resources be sown to bless others and Watch God bring Increase to your Life !
20190121 - Word Increase
Acts 6:7
And the Word of God increased; and the number of the Disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a Great company of the Priests were Obedient to the Faith.
How does the Word Increase ? It is what it is, isn't it?
The Word "increases" when it is spoken, when it is repeated by more and more people.
It is the Word to which the Holy Spirit responds. When we begin to Speak the Word the Holy Spirit Will Change lives.
Much More
Prepare yourself for Increase by meditating on these verses:
…will He not much more clothe You , O You of little Faith ? ( (Mt. 6:30 )
…how much more Will your Father who is in Heaven Give Good things to those who Ask Him! ( (Mt. 7:11 )
…how much more Will your Heavenly Father Give the Holy Spirit to those who Ask Him!" ( (Luke 11:13 )
Of how much more Value are You than the birds? ( (Luke 12:24 )
Much more then, having now been Justified by His Blood , we shall be Saved from Wrath through Him. ( (Rom. 5:9 )
…much more, having been Reconciled , we shall be Saved by His Life. ( (Rom. 5:10 )
…much more the Grace of God and the Gift by the Grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ , abounded to many. ( (Rom. 5:15 )
…much more those who Receive Abundance of Grace and of the Gift of Righteousness Will Reign in Life through the One, Jesus Christ. ( (Rom. 5:17 )
…where Sin abounded, Grace abounded much more ( (Rom. 5:20 )
…the Ministry of Righteousness exceeds much more in Glory. ( 2 Cor. 3:9 )
…what remains is much more glorious. ( 2 Cor. 3:11 )
…by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better Covenant ( (Heb. 7:22 )
…how much more shall the Blood of Christ , who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God , cleanse your Conscience from Dead Works to Serve the Living God ? ( (Heb. 9:14 )
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding Abundantly above all that we Ask or Think , according to the Power that Works in us. ( (Eph. 3:20 )
Your Seeds by Barry Bennett
It is your seed that determines the increase in your life. It isn’t what others can do for you that makes you successful. It is what you choose to do with what you have. Everything is seed.
Your thoughts about yourself shape your present and future. ( (Prov. 23:7 )
Your attitude draws or repels opportunities and blessings. ( (Num. 13:26-33 )
Your words are life or death. ( (Prov. 18:20-21 )
Your faith can receive every promise of God. ( (Rom. 4:20-21 )
Your giving unlocks ‘all grace’ that you might have an abundance. ( 2 Cor. 9:8 )
Your love will see needs and get involved ( 1 John 3:16-17 )
Your vision will create the environment to fulfill your divine purpose. ( 2 Cor. 4:18 Rom. 8:28 )
His wisdom unlocks His abundance in your life. ( (Prov. 3:1-26 )
Everything is seed. Increase is in your heart. Out of the abundance of the heart you will bring forth abundance or lack, hope or despair. Choose life and prepare for the abundant life of sowing and reaping.
Say a kind word to someone. You are sowing. Pray for someone. You are sowing. Bless someone with an offering. You are sowing. Spend time meditating in the Word. You are sowing. Give thanks. You are sowing. Speak blessings over yourself and your family. You are sowing.
Once you see yourself as a “sower,” your attitude toward life will change. And the harvests of His favor, blessings, provision and health will overtake you!