We are betrothed to Christ Jesus in the New Birth.
Unfaithfulness before marriage is grounds for the marriage to not be consummated.
Our marriage to Christ Jesus will occur at His return. Many have already died and sealed their relationship to Him. Those of us who are still alive must remain faithful until death or His return.
How do we remain faithful to Christ Jesus after we have been Born Again?
→ we read and meditate on His Word
→ we pray in His Holy Spirit
→ we testify of His lordship
→ we minister His Grace to others
→ we reject every offer to be unfaithful
What do offers to be unfaithful look like?
→ agreement with that which contradicts His Word
→ calling on any other god
→ worshipping any other god
→ allowing for any other god
→ refusing to identify with Him
→ refusing to testify of Him
Our Lord Jesus Christ honors His Word above His name.
This means that to be faithful to His name includes being faithful to His Word.
Since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus, by fellowshipping in the Prayer Language you are strengthening your relationship with Him.
When testifying of His wonderful works and His amazing Grace to believers and unbelievers we are being obedient to Him.
All of the above makes for Being True To Christ.