[ Created: 2018-07-05 15:09:53  Updated: 2018-07-05 19:10:23 Owner: rl ]
Title: Information that is True    


References (337) to Fact
FactInformation that is True
They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee.
And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death.
And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death.
And ye shall take no satisfaction for him that is fled to the city of his refuge, that he should come again to dwell in the land, until the death of the priest.
1 - A Better Way To PrayA Better Way To Pray
10  1 - Getting AlongGetting along with people
11  1 - Truth and VictoryCertain Truths are necessary for Victory
12  1 - What Is A Christian?What is a Christian ?
13  2 - Fully Persuaded FaithHow to move mountains
14  2 - God and CountryGod and Country
15  2 - The True Nature of God The True Nature of God
16  3 - Spirit Soul BodyYou are Spirit Soul and Body in Christ Jesus
17  4 - Godly FearThe Fear of the Lord
18  5 - Decisions → DestinyDecisions Determine Destiny
19  6 - GalatiansThe epistle to the Galatians
20  8 - Intelligent DesignThe universe was intelligently designed
21 1 - GivingWhy, When and Where to Give
22 1 - Overcoming DoubtHow To Overcome Doubt
23 1 - Relationship With GodRelationship With God
24 1 - Staying Full of GodStaying Full Of God
25 1 - You've Already Got It!You've already got everything you need
26 2 - Faith-Filled WordsPower Of Faith-Filled Words
27 2 - RedemptionRedemption
28 2 - Sowers and EatersSowers and Eaters
29 2 - Water WalkingHow to Become a Water Walker
30 2 - Where Am I FromWhere Did I Come From
31 2 - Your Spiritual Authority Your Spiritual Authority in Christ Jesus
32 3 - Receive A Miracle 2How to Receive a Miracle - Part 2
33 3 - The Reality Of FaithThe Reality Of Faith
34 3 - Unanswered PrayerWhat to do when Prayer is unanswered
35 3 - What Pleases GodWhat Pleases God
36 3 - Whose Righteousness?Whose Righteousness?
37 4 - Effects Of PraiseEffects Of Praise
38 4 - Harnessing EmotionsHarnessing Your Emotions
39 4 - Psychology vs.     ChristianityPsychology vs.     Christianity
40 4 - Source Of All GriefSource Of All Grief
41 4 - Thorn In The FleshPaul's Thorn In The Flesh
42 5 - Do Not Limit GodDo Not Limit God
43 5 - Hard HeartHardness of Heart: A Condition You May Have and Not Even Know it…
44 5 - Killing Sacred CowsKilling Sacred Cows
45 5 - Power Of PartnershipThe Power Of Partnership
46 5 - Revelation KnowledgeRevelation Knowledge
47 5 - Secrets To HappinessPaul's Secrets To Happiness
48 5 - Walking By Faith Walking by Faith
49 6 - A Sure FoundationSeed Time Harvest
50 6 - Eternal LifeThe Most Import Teaching
51 6 - Lessons from JosephSchool of hard knocks
52 7 - Holy SpiritThe Baptism of the Holy Spirit
53 Abide Live dwell wait
54 Able To HearPrepared, interested and attentive
55 AcknowledgeAccept or admit the existence or truth of
56 AllahAlias for Satan - the one who Sows Tares
57 AltarStructure on which offerings are made to a deity
58 Altar CallA traditional invitation for a person to come physically to an Altar to be Saved
59 America DestroyedAmerica has been destroyed.     Will she rise again?
60 America IdentityWho are we anyway?
61 AngstAn unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread about the world or human condition
62 AnimalAnimals are, well, animals
63 Another GospelAny plan of Salvation other than through Christ Jesus
64 ArkArk of the Covenant ( Testimony)
65 ArmourEquipment to protect against attacks
66 Barak Husein ObamaBarak Husein 'Osama islama' Obama
67 Barna World ViewBarna survey re Worldview
68 BelialThe Devil - Satan
69 Big PursesBig Purses (for the elite)
70 Bill Of RightsText of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution
71 BlindUnable to See
72 BondageBound, Fettered, Controlled
73 Bureaucratic ElitismGovernment agencies enforcing their values on the people
74 Cam Center LineImportance of cam center line to performance
75 Cancel CultureA social attitude that facilitates the unanimous agreement amongst multiple people that somebody is worthy of hate and slander due to controversial behaviors they have engaged in
76 CapitolUsed as a Church
77 Celebrity CrashThe uncovering of the hypocritical
78 ChampionA representative of the people who challenges their enemy
79 Charles Linville RussellCharles Linville Russell, Jr.
80 Charlie Reese ColumnCharlie Reese last column for Orlando Sentinel
81 ChastisementDoes God personally chastise His Children
82 Child SacrificeGiving a child to be consumed for the sake of the parent
83 Christian DeceptionNo one is immune to Deception
84 CircumstanceA condition, detail, part, or attribute, with respect to time, place, manner,agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; a modifying or influencing factor
85 Civil WarWhat was it really about?
86 Climate and SpiritualityNature responds to Spiritual Law
87 Cognitive Dissonance'What we have here is a failure to communicate'
88 CollectiveA group of connected individuals projecting a group identify
89 CompassSomething that points to the Truth
90 ComplianceThe fact of obeying a particular law or rule
91 ConservativeA person who espouses Conservatism
92 ConstitutionThe Constitution of the United States
93 Constitution CatechismArthur Standburry Constitution Catechism
94 Constitution TextText of the Constitution
95 ContaminationMaking a substance impure by adding a different substance
96 Corona CostWhat will be the total cost of corona virus?
97 Corporate EvilUsing their power through wealth to fight against God
98 Covert 19Using C O V I D- 19 to subvert and destroy America
99 CreationThat which is uniquely and originally brought into existence
100 CreationismThe belief that the universe was created by God as Genesis describes
101 Critical ThinkingThinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas
102 Crucifixion TrialJesus Trial and Crucifixion - Wednesday April 25, 31AD Nissan 14
103 CrusadesWar against Islam
104 CSAConfederate States of America
105 CycleA series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
106 Dark HeartA heart that prefers Darkness
107 DarknessThe absence of Light
108 DarwinCharles Darwin - a sad person a terrible legacy
109 DeceiveTo convince another of a Lie
110 DeceptionConvincing a victim to believe a Lie
111 Declaration Of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence
112 DelusionWhen one stops questionning the Lie
113 Delusion SolutionDelusion is not the Solution
114 DEMO1_01 - Eternal Life DEMO Level 1 Lesson 1 - Eternal Life
115 DEMO1_03 - Righteousness by Grace Righteousness by Grace
116 DEMO1_04 - Relationship With God Relationship With God
117 DemocratDEMagogues, Obamanators, Crack-pots, and RATS
118 DependencyThe state of relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.     
119 DestinationThe place to which it is going or being sent
120 DimensionA measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height
121 DiversityDifference that is destructive
122 DiversityVariety
123 Drug AbuseThe cure for the scourge of drug related deaths
124 EarEars to hear, let him Hear
125 EaterA person who consumes
126 Eating Your SeedThe opportunity cost of eating your seed
127 Eco- HysteriaSaving Animals and Plants at the Expense of Humans
128 Election 2022 ResultsFaith in man in the face of his failures
129 ElitismBelieving some people are better than others
130 EnableGive authority or means to do something
131 Entertainment DelusionEverything is free or can be taken at will
132 ErrorMisunderstanding of Scripture
133 EunuchA man who has been castrated,
134 EvilThat which conflicts with the character of God
135 ExistenceThe fact of being
136 Exit StrategyA plan to weasel your way out of something you should never have gotten into
137 Faith FightTo come against everything that is unscriptural
138 FaithfulFull of faith
139 Fake NewsLying is not a problem if it suits your purpose
140 False GodsThings that we value that are empty
141 Fatal ConceitTrusting a single expert or group of experts to make major decisions affecting millions of people
142 FavorKindness and Blessing
143 FearTo be afraid of
144 Fearful And UnbelievingFull of anxiety, vulnerable, doubtful
145 Federal LandLand owned and controlled by the Federal Government
146 FigmentA thing that someone Believes to be Real but that exists only in their Imagination
147 First WorksWorks of righteousness - aspiring to the Spirit Walk
148 Fixing ReligionJesus couldn't, you can't, don't try
149 FoolA person who does not Believe in God
150 FoolishLacking good sense or judgment; unwise
151 Free ChoiceIs our Choice of Life Free or Predestined
152 FreeloaderA person who enjoys the benefits of others efforts
153 Free StuffThere is no such thing as a Free Lunch
154 FutureThe Provision of God for tomorrow
155 Gender BiasGender differences and roles in the scriptures
156 GeneticsThe study of how God programmed living organisms
157 God AllowAllowing or causing?     Pleased or disappointed?
158 GodlyThinking and acting like God
159 GovernmentGovernment
160 Government FascismFascism in Government
161 Grace SightGrace in the eyes
162 GraftUsing Political Power for personal gain
163 Great SocietyA secular attempt to eliminate poverty and injustice
164 GRTGRT chassis manufacturer
165 Guilt ImputationBeing pressured to receive Guilt from outside
166 Gun LawAny law that infringes on the right to bear arms
167 Hardened HeartA Heart that has been tempered so that it is fixed
168 Harry ReidHarry 'the weed' Reid
169 HCQHydroxychloroquine, azithromycin or doxycycline, and zinc
170 HealingThe state or act of being healed (see Heal)
171 Health CostA Proposal for National Health Cost Estimation
172 Heart FaithFaith that issues from the Heart and not the head
173 Heaven And EarthWhere God Reigns and Where Man Reigns
174 High PlaceSeat of Authority and /or place of Worship
175 His PlanThe plan of God in Creation was Relationship with Us
176 Historical FascismHistorical Fascism
177 HistoryWhat happened in the past
178 HoaxA plan accomplished by deception
179 Holy Spirit ActsThe Acts of the Holy Spirit
180 Homosexual ChurchChurch acceptance of Homosexuality
181 HomosexualityBondage to Homosexual lifestyle
182 HumanAn Individual of Mankind
183 Human LoveLove that issues from the Soul of man
184 Humble Themselves And PrayHow is the land Healed?
185 IdeologyA system of ideas and ideals that forms the basis for policy
186 IdolatryValuing something higher than God
187 IndependenceDeclaration of Independence
188 InfallibleIncapable of making mistakes or being wrong
189 InformationFacts provided or learned about something or someone
190 InspiredThe Bible is Inspired by God
191 Intrinsic ValueValue that is inherent, ocurring naturally
192 InvalidBeing without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law
193 IslamIslam
194 Islam and Founding FathersFranklin, Adams and others on Islam
195 Islam and the leftRefugees, enslavement and politics
196 Islam HistoryThe History of Islam
197 KernelThe central or most important part of something
198 KnowledgeInformation that is retained
199 KnowledgeableHaving accumulated facts about a subject
200 Knowledge Of GodKnowing there is a God and about His Character
201 LambThe Lamb of God - Jesus
202 Last Days LoveWhat love should look like in the last days before Christ returns
203 Leaven, Leanings, Leaves and LamentationsAs a man thinks in his heart, so is he.     
204 Left is LostLiberalism is Anti Christ
205 Lets Play BaalWhen America Decided to Leave God and Serve Baal
206 L G B T QLesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
207 LibertyQuality or state of being Free
208 LobbyistA person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators
209 LogicReasoning conducted according to strict principles of validity
210 Love At First SightA superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge
211 Love Of The TruthThe state of wanting the Truth regardless of the changes it entails
212 Love Your EnemyHow do we Love someone who wants to destroy us?
213 MalthusianismThe belief that population growth will outstrip food production resulting in famine and war
214 Man Is SpiritMan is a Spirit with a Soul and a Body
215 Medical BondageBound by the Medical Care system
216 MedicineMedicine - Legal and illegal drugs
217 Memorial Day ApologyWho we were, Who we are and Who we will be
218 MemorySomething from the past that can be recalled to Mind
219 Mental AssentAcknowledging Truth but not operating in it
220 MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Items
221 Mis PlacedPlaces to avoid
222 MolechThe fire into which children were thrown to appease Baal
223 MultiplicationIncrease by the God factor
224 MythA story that tries to explain history and/or events
225 National AlzheimersHow America has lost its collective mind
226 National DefenseDefending America
227 N CconstitutionConstitution of North Carolina
228 New CreatureWe are a new spirit being in the New Birth
229 NewsNewly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events
230 NietzscheA sad modern Philosopher
231 NIVNew International Version
232 NormalConforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected
233 OffenceInjury inflicted by another
234 Over ThrowTo unseat the existing Power or Authority
235 OwnershipThe state of possessing something
236 PersecutionTo suffer as a result of being different
237 PlacateMake (someone) less angry or hostile
238 Political MessageMessages to Politicians
239 PoliticizeTo attempt to effect policy in every area of life
240 PowerAbility to do Work, to accomplish a purpose
241 PrattleTo talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly
242 Pray For BidenHow should we Pray for Joe Biden
243 PrideA feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements
244 Pride Or PowerWhen we Rebuke and Exhort is it Pride or Power
245 ProgressiveKind word for Socialism
246 Pro Man_ RationaleRationale for Pro Man
247 PronounsA word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase
248 ProofEvidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement
249 PropagandaInformation , especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
250 Radical ConservatismLibertarian in nature and decisive in action
251 RapturePost Tribulation Return of Christ
252 RebellionResistence to Authority , Non-Conformity
253 ReligionA system of beliefs
254 Religion And PoliticsSeparate or inseparable?
255 Reprobate MindA Mind that is disconnected from God and Order
256 Resist Anti ChristShould we resist satan physically?
257 Resurrection DayCelebrating Resurrection Day - Sunday April 29, 31AD Nissan 18
258 RevelationThe revelation of Jesus Christ
259 Revolution I IThe Second American Revolution
260 Rights ViolationWhat option is there for a person whose rights are violated?
261 RoyaltyThe people who belong to the family of the King
262 SaneOf sound mind; not mad or mentally ill.
263 SatanThe opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer)
264 Satanic ConspiracyThe plan that Satan hatched to come against God's Will
265 Satanic DominionEvidence of the dominion of Satan over earth
266 Scribes Pharisees HypocritesEnemies of Truth
267 ScriptureRightly dividing the inspired Word of God
268 Secession ReconstitutionSecession from or reconstruction of a Union
269 Section 230Protection of internet Content Collectors
270 Secular HumanismReligion of the Antichrist
271 Seeing JesusTo See Jesus as He really is
272 SegregationSeparation based on Culture
273 Self DelusionSelf - the easiest person to Lie to.
274 Self IdentifyThe act of identifying yourself as a particular kind of person
275 Serenity NowFleeting or continual Peace
276 Sermon On The MountJesus raises the standards to bridge Law and Grace
277 SettlerA person who accepts what is easily available
278 Sheep NationA nation that honors those ( Christians) who honor God.
279 Shoulder ChipHaving a chip on your shoulder
280 Sin ConsciousAware of Sin, thinking of Lust and Guilt.
281 SlaveryUnder the control of an owner - not Free
282 SocialismThe god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism
283 Softtail Ride AdjustmentAdjusting swing-arm shocks for stiffness
284 Son Of PeaceThe Son Of Peace is the Holy Spirit
285 Sound DoctrineDoctrine based on clear direct Bible quotes
286 Sound Mind Not Double Minded but established in Truth
287 SovereigntyThe state of being the supreme Ruler
288 Spark PlugBasic Theory Of Spark Plug Operation
289 Spirit GiftA Gift of the Spirit of God
290 Spiritual HearingHearing in your Spirit
291 Spiritual MindedHaving the Mind Of Christ and walking in Spiritual Truth
292 Sports Support ProstitutionSupporting Education or Professional Institutions that Fight against God
293 StatisticA fact or piece of data from a study of a large quantity of numerical data
294 Stockholm SyndromeWhen hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity
295 Strip TagsCopy source code from sites which block copy operations and view it here so that you can copy it
296 Stroker EnginesDiscussion of stroking options
297 Strong HoldA place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld.
298 StupidHaving or showing a great lack of Intelligence or Common Sense
299 SubmissionThe act or state of willingly coming under the control of something or someone
300 SuperhumanAbove natural human ability
301 SupernaturalAbove nature - Spiritual
302 SuperstitionAn irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
303 Sword Of The SpiritThe Word of the Lord is the sword which the Holy Spirit wields
304 Systematic TheologyTheology that is consistent and non-contradictory
305 System EntropyThe life cycle of a System
306 TermiteA cellulose-eating pest
307 Testimony Of Jesus ChristThe Testimony Of Jesus Christ is the Spirit Of Prophecy
308 Then And Now1950s vs 2020s
309 TheocracyA Government where 'god' has Authority
310 Thoughts on IslamObservations on Islam and it's manifestations
311 Timeouts and Two-factorSession time-outs and two-factor authentication
312 TitheTen percent of increase
313 Too LateWhen is it too late to be saved?
314 TraditionEstablished or customary pattern of thought - convention
315 Transformed Changed from one state to another
316 TranslationsTranslations of the Bible
317 TrueHaving the qualiry of being factual, undeniable, foundational
318 True HolinessThe Manifested Spirit of God
319 Trump CoarsenessThe gift and cost of being coarse
320 TruthJesus is the Truth
321 T U L I PCalvinism principles
322 Two AmericasThere are two Americas and they are divisible
323 UnbeliefIncredulity or skepticism
324 UnthankfulnessThe sad state of an ingrate
325 UrbanizationThe increase over time in the population of cities in relation to the region's rural population
326 Value of Education Character or information?
327 Washington D CThe capital city of the United States
328 WeaknessHaving no Power or very little Power
329 WelfareTake from the haves and give to the have-nots
330 What Is SpiritualityWhat is meant by being spiritual
331 White SupremacyChristian Culture not skin color
332 Why IslamIslam is the rejection of God's Sovereignty and Love
333 Wicked PeoplePeople who reject God's Law and teach others to do so
334 Witch HuntHate motivated investigation hoping for something bad to turn up
335 WokeBeing aware of the truth behind things
336 Woman PowerPerverse politization of women in leadership
337 Word Or SpiritIs the Spirit or the Word more important?