    [ Created: 2018-07-03 11:19:33  Updated: 2019-06-29 15:12:13   Owner: rl ]
Title: A legally recognized subject of a state

Legal Rights involve Responsibilities .

We have been delinquent in defining and enforcing the Responsibilities of American Citizens .

Jesus told us to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's.

America was given to Christians by God. So, America belongs to Christians.

By participating in the political system (as corrupt as it may be) a Christian is rendering to Caesar the things that are Caesar's. That participation should manifest by voting, by supporting specific candidates and by running for office.

What are the "things of God "? The testimony of Jesus Christ. Healing the sick. Setting the captive free. Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. Making disciples. Manifesting the Spirit of God.

So, we have a corrupt earth of which we are temporally citizens and we have a perfect heaven of which we are eternally citizens.

Being a good steward of God means addressing both citizenships in balance.