[ Created: 2018-06-30 07:22:14  Updated: 2022-12-16 13:29:54 Owner: rl ]
Title: The act of buying back - Salvation    



Redemption is when the owner buys back what he once owned.   
    The Lord Jesus is Creator
    We belonged to Him.   
    He gave us free will, self ownership, dominion.   
    We sold ourselves to Satan.   
    He bought us back to Himself by His own blood.   
    We must agree to the purchase.   
We are Spirit Soul And Body.   

Though we often talk about the salvation of the soul, we are really are talking about the New Birth and becoming a New Spirit being.   

We are given the gift of Eternal Life by Faith in Christ Jesus .    Upon believing the Gospel we are Born Again (saved) into the Kingdom Of God and so have Eternal Life.   

The saving of our soul (mind emotions and will) depends on the extent to which we are transformed by the renewing of our minds .    The saving of our body depends on the extent to which our soul is transformed .   
Both the saving of the soul and the saving of the body are not completed in our earthly walk.   

Our soul will be redeemed (saved, perfected) at the appearing of Christ Jesus who will wipe away all tears and the things that cause those tears.   
Our body will be redeemed (saved, perfected) at the appearing of Christ Jesus who will eliminate sickness, aging and death from it.   

To defuse the condusion about Salvation we need to understand that is two parts: Spirit Salvation and Soul Salvation.   

Redemption by E W Kenyon God has done all that he could do in our redemption.   He gave His only begotten Son as a substitute for our sins.   

His finished work meets every need of man.   When He planned our redemption, it covered every need.   
    He knew what was required.   
    He furnished a redemption that utterly met the need of every man.   
    He perfectly satisfied the claims of the Supreme Court of the Universe against outlawed man.   

Since the Son has done that work for Him, He now stands ready to make good on all the promise in order to meet our faith for every need.   
    He has provided a perfect Redemption for Spirit, Soul and Body.   
    He has provided a perfect Redemption for us so that we may stand in His Presence though Adam had never sinned.   
    He not only justified His own right to create man in the face of the face that He knew that man would fall, but He has gone beyond that in making it possible for every disease to be healed, every weakness to be turned to strength, all power of Satan nullified, and to stand in His presence a righteous perfect being, an absolute New Creation created in Jesus Christ.   

    He became Incarnate, took upon Himself our limitations as a man, lived among us, and then permitted Himself who knew no sin, to be made sin for us.   
    He became sick with our sicknesses; He became weak with our weaknesses.   
    He was an outcast, and became a part of all that we were, becoming Identified with all our weaknesses, sickness and diseases.   

    Then He bore our sins and diseases away and suffered until every need of man was fully met.   
    Then God justified Him, because He had met the demands of the human race in His sufferings.   
    After being Justified, He was made alive in the Spirit.   
    Then He met the Adversary, conquered him of his authority and dominion, and arose form the dead.   
    Then He carried His blood into the heavenly Holy of Holies, poured it out before the Father on the mercy seat, and made an eternal redemption for us.   

    All that Jesus did, He did for us.   
    His work is absolutely perfect.   On the ground of the work, any man can stand right with God; any man can be healed from all his diseases.   
    Satan's dominion over the New Creation is utterly broken.   To Jesus was given the authority that Adam forfeited, and with that restoration there was given to Him added dominion and power because of what he had done for the salvation of the human race; that authority and dominion has been given to us in the legal use of His name.   

We do not know what that part was in redemption except that we see a glimpse of it here and there.   

    We know that it was the Holy Spirit that gave Jesus strength and courage to offer Himself on the cross.   
    We know it was the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.   
    We know that the Spirit did all that was expected of Him to do, and that He stands ready to make good in every one of our lives all that God wrought for us in Christ, to pour the very life and nature of the Father God into our mortal bodies and actually swallow them up in life.   

Redemption Study: