Comfort is Freedom from Pain.
You cannot experience Comfort while experiencing Pain.
Pain and Comfort are mutually exclusive.
Now Listen to this from 2 Cor 1:3,4 . ..
3 Blessed be God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of mercies, and the God of All Comfort ;
4 who comforteth us in All our Tribulation , that we may be able to Comfort them which are in any trouble, by the Comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
Verse 3 says that the Father of Christ Jesus is the God of All Comfort. This means that God is against Pain in every Manifestation !
Verse 4 verifies this by stating that God our Father eliminates Pain in every instance.
Furthermore it says that the reason God is so anxious to eliminate Pain in us is so that we can eliminate Pain in others.
And it goes on to say that we eliminate Pain in others by the same method that our own Pain was eliminated.
What is that method?
The one and only method to Receive the benefits of God's Grace is by Faith.
Faith in what?
Faith in the Finished Work of Christ Jesus.
What is His " Finished Work " ?
What is Grace ?
It is the "unmerited Favor of God ".
What is Favor ?
It is the Manifestation of God's Love.
And God's Love is who He is.
And Love compels Him to Comfort us.