Affection is the foundation of Human Love.
Affection that becomes intense is Human Love.
Affection is an act of our will. We may look kindly or fondly toward something or not.
We are commanded to choose the right things on which to bestow our Affection.
Colossians 3:2
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
As in all of the instructions that God has given us, this one is for our Good.
Humans do not have an infinite capacity for anything.
So the choice about what we put our Affection on is important.
There is an Opportunity Cost to everything that we pursue.
In the case of Affection , the Opportunity Cost is what you are not placing your Affection on.
Sometimes Affection for one thing implies Hatred toward something else.
This is a very insidious thing. We nay not realize that Hate has sprung from inappropriate Affection.
An example of misplaced Affection that is widespread in our Society is Animal Worship.
It is apparent from many comments I have read that Animal 'lovers' Hate Animal abusers.
If you are an Animal 'lover' your reaction to that statement is 'absolutely right!'.
How is this Affection misplaced?
Animals were put on earth to serve man's needs as food sources and laborers.
No where in the Bible does God expect or require man to show Animals Affection.
God's command above is that we place our Affection on things above and not things of the earth.
God is Heavenly. Man, through Christ Jesus is Heavenly.
Christ commanded us to Love God and Love one another.
Again, because of Opportunity Cost we cannot place the appropriate Affection on God and Humans when we have dedicated a significant part of our Affection on Animals.
Now, it may seem unfair to pick on Animal Affection when most everyone places sugnificant anount of Affection on things other than God and man.
However, when we consider golf lovers, for instance, we don't see animosity from them toward non-golf-lovers.