Being Stupid is of Satan.
How so? Oh, you thought people were born that way?
Well, you're partially correct. We were all born Ignorant. We were all born Lost.
Being Ignorant can make you say and do Stupid things.
Being Lost can make you look Stupid , expecting Good to come out of Evil.
But Ignorance can be cured and what is Lost can be Found.
What about Stupid ? Can it be fixed?
Let's take a look at the definition of Stupid.
lacking Intelligence or Common Sense .
Intelligence is the ability to Reason. Common Sense is the ability to Reason.
In order to Reason you must be able to grasp several different but connected facts and See or Understand the implication of the connection.
We often use the terms "the Light just came on" or "he's in the dark" to imply that someone does or does not "get it".
So Light is an important component of Reason. Without Light you simply can't See , you can't Understand !
Jesus is the Light of the world. That Light wipes away Stupid.
Satan is the Thief who Steals , Kills and Destroys. He is the Liar who Deceives and Confuses.
Satan's only power is Darkness. Darkness manifests as Stupid.
Many in our Society have rejected Light. So they are in Darkness. They are Lost. They are Stupid.
The Scriptures tell us that "professong to be wise, they became fools".
Therein lies the explanation for why so many Stupid people are found in Education , Entertainment , Sports , Media and Government.
Are you tired of Stupid people like I am ?
Remember, a Stupid person is unable to Reason because they are in Darkness.
If we are to turn things right side up again in our Society we must turn the Light on.
Since Jesus is the Light of the world we must make Him the centerpiece of our Conversation.
When we do, the Holy Spirit will open the Eyes of the blind and the Ears of the deaf so they can be Healed.