If all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus there is no power or authority left for any other being in the universe. This means that He and He alone is → Mighty God → Everlasting Father → Saviour → Lord → King.
This verse speaks to the singleness of God as manifested in Christ Jesus. In the next verse Jesus tells us to teach and baptize people in His name as He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To worship any other being as divine is polytheism.
Who is the 'me' that is speaking? It is preincarnate Christ Jesus
Not understanding that Jesus is the 'God' who speaks throughout the Bible is the cause of much confusion and weakness in the Body Of Christ.
This verse is echoed in the New Testament verses: Rom 14:11 Mat 28:18 Col 1:16.
To deny the Lordship of Jesus is damnation.
This is not a Politically Correct verse, but the Lord does not concern Himself with man's politics or his opinions.
God came to earth and we call Him Jesus. To deny Jesus is to deny God. To deny Jesus who is the Truth is to deny the Truth and so believe a lie.
For this reason we are to preach the Gospel to every creature throughout the world Mar 16:15.
Christianity has taken a very narrow view and understanding of salvation, limiting it to the spirit of man that is renewed by faith in Christ Jesus.
Jesus did not talk about or deal exclusively with eternity. He dealt with the Human Condition in the Physical Realm by healing, by delivering, by teaching and, when necessary, by feeding the hungry. So, we need to understand that Christ came to make us whole in every aspect of our existence.
Rejecting Christ Jesus is the Unpardonable Sin.