# | Item | Description |
1 | 2 - Flowing In The Holy Spirit | How To Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit |
2 | 6 - Flowing In The Gifts | How to Flow in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit |
3 | Agency Weaponization | Using unelected Government agencies to violate the Constitution |
4 | Atheist | A person who believes there is no god (except himself) |
5 | Battlefield Of The Will | It is not our mind or emotions but our will that must submit |
6 | Bigotry | To be irrationally wedded to a position |
7 | Coding | Computer Assisted Coding |
8 | Cognitive Dissonance | 'What we have here is a failure to communicate' |
9 | Confucianism | The school of thought founded by Confucius |
10 | Conservative Arts | Biblically based Education |
11 | Constitution | The Constitution of the United States |
12 | Corrective Law | Short term law to correct a specific evil |
13 | Critical Thinking | Thinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas |
14 | Deep State | The real power in Government |
15 | Deism | Practical recognition of God without Revelation |
16 | Dog Fighting | Dog Fighting |
17 | Dominionism | A Conviction that Christians ought to Rule the Nations of the World |
18 | Elitist Christian | A Christisn who believes they are better than other Christians |
19 | Error | Misunderstanding of Scripture |
20 | Existence | The fact of being |
21 | Faith Or Rebellion | Success comes by Faith and Destruction by Rebellion |
22 | Fear Pandemic | A widespread manifestation of irrational Fear |
23 | Figment | A thing that someone Believes to be Real but that exists only in their Imagination |
24 | Free Choice | Is our Choice of Life Free or Predestined |
25 | Getting On Board | Committing to a path and destination |
26 | Infallible | Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong |
27 | Inspired | The Bible is Inspired by God |
28 | Jew | Early on a decendent of the tribe of Judah but later a term for Hebrews |
29 | Judy's_ Day Care_ Case | Judy's Day Care Case |
30 | Modern_ Philosophy | Modern philosophy and philosophers |
31 | Multi Culturalism | Encouraging more than one Culture |
32 | Mystery Of Iniquity | Satan is the Mystery of Iniquity |
33 | Once Authorized, Always Authorized | Why terminate an authorized, active connection? |
34 | Perverse | Obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable |
35 | Pets, Homeless, Welfare | How Animals can fix the homeless and welfare problems |
36 | Pro Man_ Architecture | Project Management Portal Architecture |
37 | Pro Man_ Rationale | Rationale for Pro Man |
38 | Rational | Of the Mind |
39 | Rationalism | Regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge |
40 | Rationalization | Self deception |
41 | Revelation Knowledge | Knowledge originating from the Holy Spirit |
42 | Russia Hoax | Supported by a fake dossier put together by the DNC |
43 | Sacrifice | Jesus - the perfect precious sacrifice to our Father |
44 | Satanic Conspiracy | The plan that Satan hatched to come against God's Will |
45 | Shoulder Chip | Having a chip on your shoulder |
46 | Socialist Education | Public Education the Socialist incubator |
47 | Social Repentance | Things that Society must change in order to be saved |
48 | Spirit Or Word | Which is more important - Spirit or Word |
49 | Strong Delusion | Delusion that is impossible to break out of |
50 | Submission | The act or state of willingly coming under the control of something or someone |
51 | Superstition | An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. |
52 | Tone | The general character or attitude of a sound or piece of writing |
53 | Winners Are Racist | Why are Conservatives called Racist? |
54 | Word Hijacking | Using good words to mask evil intentions |
55 | Word Of Faith | Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power |