[ Created: 2018-05-24 14:49:38  Updated: 2018-05-24 18:50:09 Owner: rl ]
Title: Of the Mind    



References (55) to 'Rational'
2 - Flowing In The Holy Spirit How To Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
6 - Flowing In The Gifts How to Flow in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Agency Weaponization Using unelected Government agencies to violate the Constitution
Atheist A person who believes there is no god (except himself)
Battlefield Of The Will It is not our mind or emotions but our will that must submit
Bigotry To be irrationally wedded to a position
Coding Computer Assisted Coding
Cognitive Dissonance 'What we have here is a failure to communicate'
Confucianism The school of thought founded by Confucius
10  Conservative Arts Biblically based Education
11  Constitution The Constitution of the United States
12  Corrective Law Short term law to correct a specific evil
13  Critical Thinking Thinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas
14  Deep State The real power in Government
15  Deism Practical recognition of God without Revelation
16  Dog Fighting Dog Fighting
17  Dominionism A Conviction that Christians ought to Rule the Nations of the World
18  Elitist Christian A Christisn who believes they are better than other Christians
19  Error Misunderstanding of Scripture
20  Existence The fact of being
21  Faith Or Rebellion Success comes by Faith and Destruction by Rebellion
22  Fear Pandemic A widespread manifestation of irrational Fear
23  Figment A thing that someone Believes to be Real but that exists only in their Imagination
24  Free Choice Is our Choice of Life Free or Predestined
25  Getting On Board Committing to a path and destination
26  Infallible Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
27  Inspired The Bible is Inspired by God
28  Jew Early on a decendent of the tribe of Judah but later a term for Hebrews
29  Judy's_ Day Care_ Case Judy's Day Care Case
30  Modern_ Philosophy Modern philosophy and philosophers
31  Multi Culturalism Encouraging more than one Culture
32  Mystery Of Iniquity Satan is the Mystery of Iniquity
33  Once Authorized, Always Authorized Why terminate an authorized, active connection?
34  Perverse Obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable
35  Pets, Homeless, Welfare How Animals can fix the homeless and welfare problems
36  Pro Man_ Architecture Project Management Portal Architecture
37  Pro Man_ Rationale Rationale for Pro Man
38  Rational Of the Mind
39  Rationalism Regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge
40  Rationalization Self deception
41  Revelation Knowledge Knowledge originating from the Holy Spirit
42  Russia Hoax Supported by a fake dossier put together by the DNC
43  Sacrifice Jesus - the perfect precious sacrifice to our Father
44  Satanic Conspiracy The plan that Satan hatched to come against God's Will
45  Shoulder Chip Having a chip on your shoulder
46  Socialist Education Public Education the Socialist incubator
47  Social Repentance Things that Society must change in order to be saved
48  Spirit Or Word Which is more important - Spirit or Word
49  Strong Delusion Delusion that is impossible to break out of
50  Submission The act or state of willingly coming under the control of something or someone
51  Superstition An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
52  Tone The general character or attitude of a sound or piece of writing
53  Winners Are Racist Why are Conservatives called Racist?
54  Word Hijacking Using good words to mask evil intentions
55  Word Of Faith Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power