    [ Created: 2018-05-21 22:25:56  Updated: 2021-09-24 00:09:01   Owner: rl ]
Title: Rapid oxidation of a material releasing heat, light, and various reaction products    

Oxygen combines with Carbon to produce carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen.

These products are necessary for Life .

God is a consuming Fire .

The Word of God combines with the Spirit of God to produce Spiritual Life .

Spiritual Life consists of Love , Joy , Peace , Faith , Goodness , Meekness , Gentleness , Temperance and Longsuffering .

Fire is a destroyer. Satan, the destroyer is known for his Lies and Deception.
Smoke inhibits vision of the surrounding things and is symbolic of Deception and Confusion.
Brimstone (sulphur-dioxide) is the stench that arises from the Fire. Brimstone is symbolic of the disquiet, uneasiness, stress, fear and division that arises from the Fire of Satan's Lies being believed by the masses.