There are probably not many people who communicate directly with the Devil or a familiar spirit.
However, there are many ideas, conventions and dogma which people have heard and accepted as Truth that come directly from these sources.
The reality is that you can be an unintentional practitioner of Witchcraft.
If a person gets an idea from Satan or a familiar spirit, communicates that Idea to you and you Believe it, you will be just as mislead as the person who got the communication directly.
How do Know if you are practicing Witchcraft?
If you Believe anything that conflicts with the Word of God you are at least a victim of Withcraft.
If you knowingly and willingly Believe something that conflicts with the Word of God you are practicing Witchcraft.
Where did that Idea that conflicts with the Word of God come from?
It came from Satan or one of his minions - a familiar spirit.
Solomon said "there is no new thing under the sun".
However, people seem to relish New Ideas, giving them Honor simply because they are New.
This is just Deception. The New Idea is really just a repackaging of an old Idea.
Again, if the Idea conflicts with the Word of God it came from Satan or a familiar spirit.
Have you ever gotten a phone call from someone trying to sell you something? How about an email or text message for the same purpose?
It's called telemarketing.
The 'tele' is New but the 'marketing' is not. People have been 'marketing' their products since Civilization began.
We need to check the source for the Information we receive. If it passes the Word test, Receive it. If not reject it.
Witchcraft by Barry Bennett
The subject of witchcraft creates a variety of reactions in Christians. Some are fearful of “witches” and “Satanists” due to a lack of knowledge or having more faith in the powers of darkness than they do in the power of God.
Others only understand witchcraft in terms of the spooky world of black cats, seances and magic arts and spells. However, the Bible gives us a clearer understanding that many have missed.
“Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness... sorcery…. (Gal. 5:19-20)
How many have understood that witchcraft like fornication is a work of the flesh? When we strip away the mysticism and spookiness, witchcraft is nothing more than a desire to control and manipulate others through fear.
When we only understand witchcraft or sorcery in terms of darkness and mysticism, we miss the underlying root of witchcraft; the flesh. Any expression of “flesh” that seeks to manipulate or control others is witchcraft. Casting spells and curses is nothing compared to the more prevalent kinds of witchcraft that are all around us.
Emotional witchcraft is the attempt for one to get his or her way by means of a passive/aggressive approach to relationships. Spells and chants get replaced with emotional outbursts followed by kindness, followed by subtle threats followed by tears, etc., until the target person gives in to the desires of the manipulator.
I’m not suggesting that all who behave in such a way are doing so knowingly or that they are “witches” given over to Satan. I’m simply saying that manipulation is witchcraft and is a work of the flesh. It is not spiritual. It is no different than seducing someone out of lust.
These activities are only potentially “demonic” AFTER they have been embraced on the level of the flesh. The answer lies not in yelling and screaming at demons but rather leading the willing person to a place of repentance (2 Tim. 2:24-26). That which begins in the flesh can be resolved by dealing with the flesh.
The more we understand and recognize attempts at control, seduction and manipulation (politics, media, Hollywood, etc). the more we see that our society is largely suffering from runaway witchcraft. Don’t let yourself be seduced and manipulated through the sorcery of the world. Get a revelation of who you are in Christ and refuse to be moved from Truth.