    [ Created: 2018-05-09 05:46:03  Updated: 2018-05-20 09:42:26   Owner: rl ]
Title: Become larger or greater over a period of time; increase    

Generally speaking to Grow is a Good thing.

Life for a Human begins at conception. Two Living cells join and there is a new Life .

But that two cell Living being must Grow to reach its potential.

At some point in Human development Physical we stop growing. There is a period of time when we maintain and then we begin to age.

Our Knowledge of the Physical world is zero when we are born.

But we learn rapidly. To eat, to sleep, to walk, to talk, to play, to read and write, and to work.

Learning is an important vitalizing aspect of our Lives .

Long after we have ceased growing Physicially we continue to Grow in Knowledge .

What does it mean to Grow Spiritually ?

When we Receive Christ Jesus we are born of the Spirit by the Word of God .

Just as the sperm and egg create a new Physical Creature , so the Spirit and Word create a new Spiritual Creature .

As wonderful as pregnancy and birth are to the parents, they look forward to the development of that Child.

We are created Spiritually Perfect in the NewBirth in the same way that the two cell physical being has all the DNA necessary for a full grown Human Being to develop.

But we must Grow Spiritually .

How do we do this?

2 Peter 3:18
But Grow in Grace , and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be Glory both now and for ever. Amen.

This verse Commands us to Grow in Grace .

Grace is the unmerited Favor of God .

We are to draw more and more from Grace just as a new born baby draws more and more nourishment from its mother's milk.

2 Peter 3:18 also Commands us to Grow in Knowledge of Jesus Christ .

As the new born Child experiences the care that its Mother provides, it comes to Know that it is loved.

The child's awareness of its mother's Love is the Foundation for the child's Peace , Comfort and psychological developmemt.

God wants us to Know Him. He is Love. His Grace is inexhaustible because His Love is.

Christ Jesus is God in the Flesh. He gave Himself for us while we were yet sinners. He is the proof of God's Love .

A Child will not develop properly without the Physical and Emotional input from its Mother .

We will not develop properly Spiritually without feeding on Grace and Knowledge of Christ Jesus .

Do you want to Grow "big and strong" Spiritually ?

Expect more from God because of the finished Work of Jesus Christ .

And as 2 Peter 3:18 concludes:

To Him be Glory both now and for ever. Amen.