Have you found your Place ?
Are you sure you haven`t just found a Place ?
How do you Know you are in the right Place ?
How do you Know you are in the best Place ?
Each of us were born in a Place. We have lived in a Place. We have worked in a Place.
Eventually, should the Lord tarry, we will Die in a Place.
The Place where we are meant to be is in Christ.
Being in Christ is different than Knowing Christ.
To Know Christ as Savior and Healer is wonderful.
But to see yourself in Christ is Transforming.
Being in Christ means many things. So many that it will take Eternity to explore.
But, the exploration is supposed to begin at the New Birth.
To be Born of the Spirit is to become part of God - one with Him.
In our oneness with God we experience Abundant Life.
In the Baptism with His Spirit we Receive Power.
By His Spirit enveloping our new Spirit we are sealed for all Eternity.
Abiding in His Spirit gives us Authority to Speak His Word with Command.
P owerful
L ife of
A bundance with
C ommand for
E ternity
If you don`t see yourself as an Eternal being with Abundant Life and the Power to Command God`s Promises you are seeing yourself in the wrong Place.
Again, the right Place is in Christ.
That`s where the real You is !
Let the Word and Spirit of God Transform your Mind so that you can Receive by Faith all the Gifts that Christ Jesus has provided.
Victory is won. All things that we will ever need are ours in Christ Jesus.
Know your Place ! Stay there. Live there. Manifest as a Son of God !
2 Beloved, Now are we the Sons of God , and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we Know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall See him as He is.