[ Created: 2018-03-31 17:21:11  Updated: 2024-06-13 08:20:36 Owner: rl ]
Title: To be nailed to a cross by wrists and ankles for suffocation    



Our bodies enable us to exist in the Physical Realm.   
Who is the 'us' in that statement?   
    our soul
    our spirit

When a person dies their physical body ceases to function triggering the release of their soul and spirit which then exist only in the Spirit Realm.   

In the case of Jesus, He existed eternally as the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God in the Spirit Realm.   At the right time in history, He made Himself a Body and manifested God to humanity .   

When Jesus was taken to be crucified He was
    condemned (for our guilt)
    mocked and beaten (for our healing)
    hung upon the cross (for our shame)
    pierced (for our redemption)

But before His physical body died some things happened to Him that none of us will ever experience:
    His Holy Spirit Father left His Soul in His Body and then
    all sickness and disease was poured into Him and
    all the sins of the world was placed upon Him

Damnation is when the soul and body exist without the Holy Spirit presence.   
For a brief time Jesus (Body and Soul) was damned as His Holy Spirit Father left Him for the first and only time in eternity .   

When His work was Finished His Body died and and His Soul returned to His Holy Spirit Father as in the beginning .   

Three days later His Soul and Holy Spirit Father re-entered His Body and He arose from the dead.   

It was at this point that Jesus had all power in heaven and earth .    He was and forever is the Mighty God that Isaiah prophesied about .