    [ Created:  Updated: 2019-04-16 08:27:52   Owner: rl ]
Title: The events on Tuesday before Crucifixion - Tuesday April 24, 31AD Nissan 13

Tuesday April 24, 31AD Nissan 13

Jesus ate an evening Passover meal with His Disciples. - Matt 26:26-28 Mark 14:1 .

Jesus identified Judas as the betrayer. John 13:26

Jesus washed the Disciples feet - John 13:4,5

Jesus gave farewell remarks and prayed for us - John 14: John 15: John 16:

Jesus went to Gethsemene to Pray - Luke 22:1 Matt 26:36-46

Jesus was then betrayed by Judas, arrested and during the night brought before the high priest. - Matt 26:47-50