The motivation to do anything comes from the spirit.
"That person suffers from a lack of motivation."
I heard that saying many years ago but I never thought about the powerful implications of it.
Consider the thoroughbred racehorse. Given the reasonable physical assets of the horse, the difference between a winner and an also ran is the spirit of the horse.
Some horses want to run and some don`t.
You can whip or spur a horse and make him run. But one that requires such physical motivation will never outrun a horse that simply loves to run.
And then there is the horse that has spirit but he is impossible to control. Such a horse will run only when he wants to. Such a horse will go in the direction he wants to.
You can`t give a being spirit.
They either have it or they don`t.
You can`t determine what kind of spirit a being has.
→ selfish or giving
→ bitter or sweet
→ harsh or kind
→ hateful or loving
→ sad or joyful
→ anxious or peaceful
→ wild or moderate
→ evil or good
→ negative or positive
But the Lord Jesus Christ can.
Every human since Adam is born with Sin Nature spirit. That spirit was incapable of consistently pursuing anything good despite the fact it still had some faint knowledge of the Creator in it.
As a result, invariably a person will gravitate toward the most basic characteristic of the Sin Nature - to do what is in the best interest of itself.
Given the innate tendencies of the soul to respond to the demands of the body, there was an inevitable shrinking of the person into a black hole into which everything was drawn but nothing came out.
Families would break down. Communities would break down. Nations would break down. The world would erupt in war.
"For God so loved the world..."
Our Creator had better things for mankind than for it to wallow in self-destructive sin.
The story of Christ Jesus is simply the story of the Creator of all things doing what He had to do to save His creation.
Our Creator is a spirit being . He is good. He is love ⇒ actually He is all those things on the right side of the list above and more.
The primary objective of the Lord Jesus Christ was to enable us to receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit.
By faith in His finished work we are Born Again as New Spirit beings. We receive the nature of our Creator.
The Holy Spirit becomes our motivation.
The only thing that holds a New Creature In Christ Jesus back is his contaminated soul. That soul must be transformed by the renewing of the mind.
This occurs as the person pours themselves into the Word Of The Lord and spends time fellowshipping with the Lord by Praying In The Spirit.
The motivation of a person who receives the Holy Spirit and submits their soul to Him reflects the motivation of Him who fills him.
Any person who subscribes to the above will be successful in the best possible definition of that word .
Any person who rejects the Lord Jesus Christ will be a failure in the worst possible definition of that word .
Don`t suffer from a lack of motivation and don`t be destroyed by a selfish motivation.
Come to Christ Jesus and receive Him as your Saviour, Lord and King.