To make available for use; to supply    
Grace is provision of the highest order.   
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
The power of the Lord manifests in and through us to the extent of our knowledge of Him.     

- You must know that you are accepted in the beloved ,
    You must know that you are healed by His stripes ,
    You must know that He wants you to prosper ,
    You must know that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you ,
    You must know that you have authority over the enemy ,
    You must know that you have the power to bind and to loose ,
    You must know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you .     

How do you know these things?     
You hear, believe, receive and do the word of the Lord.     (see He Be Re Do)

Decide that you will have the Mind Of Christ and then do what Jesus did to become the instrument of the Lord Jesus
1.     heard the Word Of The Lord ,
2.     believed the Word Of The Lord ,
3.     was baptised with His Holy Spirit ,
4.     Spoke and did the Word Of The Lord .     

It is in following the example of Christ Jesus that we manifest His virtue, His power and His glory.     

Who has called us to glory and virtue?     
    the Word
    the Holy Spirit
The Word is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that informs us.     
The Holy Spirit is the one that draws us to Christ.     
Believers are to preach the Gospel.     

This verse Says "all things".   
That makes it a broad inclusive promise.   

It Says "for Life ".   
Life covers every aspect of our existence in terms of the physical and spiritual.   

This verse Says "for...   godliness ".   
Godliness covers everything related to spirituality , morality , salvation , power and eternity.   

The question becomes: "What did God leave out?"

The answer is "Nothing!" .   
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
The desires of our heart apart from the Lord are carnal and selfish.     

When we are Born Again we have a New Spirit which changes the desires of heart.     

So this verse has a dual meaning:
1) the Lord gives us what we desire but
2) He also changes what we desire.     
He removes selfishness and replaces it with His love producing new desires.

For the Lord is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
The love of the Lord for us is boundless.     He wants to give us the desires of our hearts.     

We soon find that He and He alone satisfies us.     

To 'walk uprightly' is to walk by faith and not by sight .     

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
A desire is the object of hope.     Desiring and Hoping are activities of the imagination.     

Faith is the state of our heart regarding that which we desire.     

Jesus is telling us to visualize a desire, ask for it and immediately receive it in faith.     

The act of desiring, hoping, asking, believing and receiving by faith is a seed that is planted.     The manifestation of that which is desired is the harvest.     

The Spiritual Law of Seed Time And Harvest is foundational to all that the Lord has created.     

1) We sow
2) the Lord produces
3) We harvest.

How do we access this provision?   

Answer: "through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue "

If your knowledge of Christ does not leave you with an expectation of glory and virtue it is severely lacking.   

The provision of God is complete, perfect.   
That the man of the Lord may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

So, the purpose of God`s provision is that we are perfect and so empowered to bless others.   

And the way we access God`s provision is by the knowledge of Jesus Christ as revealed in the scriptures.   
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
The Bible is inspired but not everything in it is the Word Of The Lord.     Many passages are accounts of what happened and how it was perceived by men.     

The spoken Word Of The Lord is contained in the Bible.     Jesus said you must search the scriptures for references to the Christ which testify of Jesus.     It is only in Christ Jesus that we find Eternal Life which is His Holy Spirit.     

When we encounter Words in scripture which quicken our mind and body the Holy Spirit is bearing witness of Christ Jesus in that Word.

When we search the scriptures we receive knowledge of Christ and so our Faith is increased by which we access God`s provision.   

Eat Your Vegetables Study: