When you meet someone and they greet you with, What Do You Say?, it can be just a greeting or it may indicate that they really want to know what is on your mind.
The same thing applies to the greeting, How Do You Do?
In both of these greetings/questions you are presented an opportunity to speak. What you speak is extremely important.
We were made in the image of God. This does not just speak to our nature but also to our abilities - or at least, our potential.
And the Lord said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.  |
And the Lord said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:   Since God would later create man in time, He provided the means by which time would be measured. |
Everything the Lord created was imagined and then spoken into existence.
He has given us the powers of
→ imagination
→ speech
→ creativity
→ Free Will
What we do with these powers determines the quantity and quality of life that we experience.
Since what we say issues from our heart we must check the orientation of our hearts.
Did you know that God Himself oriented His heart? Yes, God has Free Will. He chose to be love, to be good, to be gracious. Since He is omnipotent, He has the power to eternally enforce that choice.
We are not omnipotent.
We need His Word (thoughts) and His Spirit (power) in order to stand, to think and to speak consistently with Him.
But when we are born we are virtually independent of the thoughts and power of God. There is just a tiny awareness of Him, but it is by no means over-powering.
→ we must desire Him
→ we must search for Him
→ we must hear Him
→ we must believe Him
→ we must receive Him
→ we must submit to Him
→ we must be filled with Him
→ we must be transformed by Him
Until a person is transformed by the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ what he imagines, what says and what he does will invariably produce death instead of life.
So, when you greet a person with What Do You Say? listen to their response. It will give you an indication of
→ their hope or fear
→ their health or sickness
→ their joy or sadness
→ their strength or weakness
In short, it reveals the state of their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our reaction to their response should be
→ to rejoice with them if they are rejoicing,
→ to mourn with them if they are mourning,
→ to encourage them in the Lord and
→ to pray with them if they have a need.
Some will say, I had rather just ignore their response and continue thinking about what was on my mind and what I needed to be doing.
And most people do exactly that. The reason is that they are weak and searching themselves.
We can only give what we have.
If you feel inadequate to respond as our Lord Jesus responded to those He encountered, you simply need more of Him - more of His Word and more integration into His Holy Spirit.
Jesus spoke both life and death in total agreement with His Holy Spirit because He was and is the Spirit Soul And Body of God.
We have been given His Holy Spirit. We each have our own body. We each have our own soul. Our challenge is for our minds to be transformed to the Mind Of Christ and for our bodies to be submitted as living sacrifices in His service.
Our Lord wants to to manifest His character wherever we go. That character is most powerfully effected through the words that we speak.
Speak life and live. Speak life and promote it in others.