What is the root of failure or discouragement? Wrong thinking. Wrong thinking can be Divided into three categories. If our Minds are Not renewed to the Truth in any one of these categories, failure and discouragement have a Place to grow.
1. Wrong thinking about God . To the degree that we don’t have a True Revelation about the Nature of God and His purposes, we Will find ourselves attributing our failings to Him, or we Will become cynical, fatalistic or passive in our approach to Life .
But they Know Not the thoughts of the Lord , neither Understand they his counsel: ( Micah 4:12 )
2. Wrong thinking about ourselves. We often Think that we are more qualified than we are ( and Why can’t everyone See that? ), or we Think poorly of ourselves and have little or no confidence. Failure can spring from either of these roots.
For as he thinketh in his Heart , so is he: ( Prov. 23:7 )
3. Wrong thinking about the Circumstances . Most Christians Focus on Circumstances rather than on the Word of God and their Identity in Christ . Temporal Circumstances become ‘mountains’ which consume our thoughts and Dominate our Emotions . Rather than seeing the unseen and Speaking Faith , we Focus on what is seen and Speak Fear .
What is the answer? The correct Knowledge of God , His Nature and His Purposes Will impact how we See ourselves and our Circumstances . Everything begins with knowing Him!
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of Glory , may Give to You the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Him, ( Eph. 1:17 )