[ Created: 2018-03-01 11:27:45  Updated: 2024-04-18 08:46:46 Owner: rl ]
Title: The class of all Humans    



To understand humanity one must understand his Creator.   

Essentially our Creator is like us (or rather we are like Him) in structure.   See Spirit Soul And Body for the details of that structure.   Our Creator is the Holy Spirit who manifests Himself in the Body and Soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.   

But unlike our Creator, each of us is in a transient state of existence with life and death potential.   As created it was never meant to be eternal.   

Since we were created in the image of our Creator, we are to become like Him - part of Him.   

The gift of Free Will enabled man to decide whether he would be part of the Holy Spirit or apart from the Holy Spirit.   

The Holy Spirit is the Tree Of Life.   The tree of the knowledge of good and evil (TKGE) represented life without the Holy Spirit, which is death.   

The Lord said that in the day that Adam ate of the TKGE he would die .    When Adam ate, humanity ceased having the God-potential and was lost to spiritual death.   

Christ Jesus had to be born, suffer, die and be raised in order for humanity to once again have the potential to be like Him or part of Him.   

In Christ, the old Sin Nature was crucified .    By receiving the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus we are Born Again as Spirit beings.   

We are no longer human in our Lord's eyes.   We are now Sons Of The Holy Spirit though we still exist in human form with imperfect minds and emotions, not to mention imperfect bodys.   

After being Born Again, the rest of a person's life on this earth is a path toward the realization and manifestation of the New Creature who is a Son Of The Holy Spirit.   

Because the soul (mind and emotions) require transformation and the body is still flesh a Christian may appear to be Bi Polar.   

But the reality is that every Born Again person is no longer who they were though they may act like it

God sees us as a perfect finished product in the New Birth .    How can this be?   

God is Spirit and through the New Birth we are born of the Holy Spirit.   

God requires us to worship Him is Spirit and Truth.    This means we worship Him in the New Creature by faith believing who we are in Christ.   

God requires us to walk in the Spirit .    This means we are to live out the life of the New Creature who is a Son Of The Holy Spirit who should manifest the mind of Christ and who should do the works of Christ.   

Paying attention to the Old Man and his Sin Nature is sin itself.    We are to deny the flesh - not see ourselves as we were.   

We are not to condemn ourselves as this is a sign of an evil conscience.   

We are not sinners saved by Grace.   We are New Creatures who are Spirit beings in Christ by His Holy Spirit.   

An alcoholic who turns his back on alcohol and goes to Alcoholics Anonymous is commanded to identify Himself as a recovering alcoholic.   

Such a confession is submission to bondage.   This is effectively what a Christian does when he says he is a sinner saved by Grace.   He is admitting that he is still in bondage.   

As a person thinks in their heart, so are they.    By our words we are justified or condemned.   

Humanity is waiting for the manifestation of the son of the Holy Spirit.    This means that the New Creature is the fulfillment of the human potential our Lord created for man at the beginning.   

Humanity is not an end to itself .    It is like the caterpillar who becomes a butterfly.   For the butterfly to emerge the caterpillar must die to itself.   

When we begin to value the New Creature more than our humanity (Sin Nature) we will be Tranformed by the Renewing of our minds.   

At that point we will be able to prove what is the good and Acceptable and perfect will of our Lord.   

What is the perfect will of our Lord?   It is the mystery of all creation which is:

Christ, the Holy Spirit, in us the hope of glory ()

Hope is expectation, anticipation, a positive imagination which enables us to have faith without which it is impossible to please our Lord.   

The Holy Spirit wants us to believe that He, through Christ Jesus, has made us His sons because He created all things to that end.   

To the Lord Jesus Christ be all praise and all glory both now and forever - amen!