[ Created: 2018-02-22 17:48:33  Updated: 2018-02-22 22:49:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: The wealth and resources of a country or region    


References (44) to Economy
Economy The wealth and resources of a country or region
Economy - 2023-03-13 21:11:52 - rl
4 - Financial Stewardship Financial Stewardship
4 - Sky Is Not Falling The Sky Is Not Falling
America Eulogy The Death of America - what happens next
Barr Epitaph Bill Barr has resigned
Cam Center Line Importance of cam center line to performance
Capitalism Capitalism works!
Cashless Only accepting digital credits as Legal Tender
10  Charlie Reese Column Charlie Reese last column for Orlando Sentinel
11  Contagion Communication of disease by close contact
12  Corona Cost What will be the total cost of corona virus?
13  Corona Experts The failure of our experts is in our face
14  Corrupt Fallen from a good state into a poorer state
15  COVID-19 Corona Vrius Disease of 2019
16  C O V I D- 19 Country America Under COVID-19 Insanity
17  C O V I D- 19 Fallout Death of people, the Economy and the Constitution
18  Criminal Malfeasance Public servant actions that violate the law or the pubic trust
19  Election 2016 Presidential Election
20  Election deception Women accuse Trump in the 11th hour
21  Election Infection Non-medical name for the COVID-19 virus
22  Enemies of America Who are the enemies of America
23  Environmentalist A person who obsesses over the environment
24  GWB George W Bush
25  Harry Reid Harry 'the weed' Reid
26  HCQ Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin or doxycycline, and zinc
27  Help Or Enablement Helping is good while enablement is evil
28  Idiot A person without common sense
29  Insurgency A state of rebelliion
30  Intellectual A person convinced that ideas are an end-all
31  Joseph Mc Carthy Joseph Raymond McCarthy 1908-1957
32  LCA Lobe Centerline Angle
33  Left Synonym for Liberalism
34  Manipulated Being a victim of tactics to be moved from one position to another
35  Monopoly Exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
36  Oligarchy A small group of people having control
37  Pray For Biden How should we Pray for Joe Biden
38  Rebellion Resistence to Authority , Non-Conformity
39  Ronald Reagan 40th President of the USA
40  Shut Down Arrogance The Arrogance of shutting down the American Economy
41  Shut Down Idiocy The unbelievable idiocy of shutting down the Economy
42  Spark Plug Basic Theory Of Spark Plug Operation
43  The New Hate Hate attributed to people who disagree on ideology or policy
44  Two Americas There are two Americas and they are divisible