Many people today are flexing their identity based on physical and mental inputs.
Unfortunately, such move from one error to another. Eventually, they come to a point of total confusion and disconnection from the Truth.
What Truth? What freedom?
We were designed to be in fellowship with our Creator who has manifested Himself in flesh as the Lord Jesus Christ.
That fellowship should be of the marriage nature - i.e. being one with our Lord.
How do we enter into marriage with our Creator?
→ we hear, believe and receive the Gospel
→ we ask for and receive the Holy Spirit
→ we live our lives in fellowship with the Word and HolySpirit
In so doing we become One with our Lord. It is at that point that we eternally grounded in the Truth and positioned to explore eternal, abundant life through Him.
This becomes our reality, who we are, our very life.
For those who have never heard or who have rejected the Gospel, their lives are actually hopeless though Satan may convince them otherwise.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? |
Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. It is how we are conscious of ourselves, others and reality.
Our reality In Christ is based on spiritual Truth and we exist in the Spirit Realm. We live our lives knowing who we are.
The reality of those who have rejected Christ is false, it is temporal and it is an illusion. Such live their lives in deception, searching but never finding and they eventually die never knowing who they are.
Repentance is going from error to Truth. It is necessary to go from darkness into light, It is necessary to go from death to life.
So, if you have not found yourself In Christ Jesus, come to Him today, acknowledging that He is your risen Saviour, that He is your Lord and King.
When you do, you will be set free from the lies about yourself and come into light, Truth, life, peace, joy and love.
Don`t be a fool!