Jesus came to bring Clarity about God .
Without Clarity about God , Confusion Reigns .
Religion is man's attempt to Know God. It misses the mark.
Christ Jesus is God in the Flesh. God showed man who He is by coming to earth.
God is Love .
All the misconceptions about God's Character lead man down the Wrong path.
Receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the first step toward Clarity .
Allowing one's Mind to be Transformed to the Mind of Christ is a process toward increased Clarity .
But even with All the Light of Revelation that comes through Christ we still Only approach Clarity .
1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we See through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I Know in part; but then shall I Know even as also I am known.
So, how bad off is the Vision of those who have Not Received Christ Jesus , the Light of the Gospel ?
Isaiah 60:2
For, Behold , the Darkness shall cover the Earth , and gross Darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his Glory shall be seen upon thee.
They are in gross Darkness .
Thr Problem with gross Darkness is that You overlook obstacles, mistake objects and misjudge distances.
These obstacles, objects and distances are Not Just Physical , but they are Spiritual , Ideological , Political , Economic , Sociological and Psychological as well.
Clarity of Understanding comes Only by the Revelation of Jesus Christ by His Grace through Faith .
Those who have Not Received this Clarity are Lost in gross Darkness .