But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, You know not what manner of spirit you are of. |
Jesus tells His disciples that they do not know what spirit they are operating in.
How can they have been with Jesus, heard Him teach, watch Him heal and deliver and yet want to destroy people who do not agree with Jesus as to where to worship?
→ they were still affected by the Old Testament
→ they did not know the HolySpirit
The disciples knew of instances in the Old Testament where evil men were destroyed by flood, fire, snakes, sink-holes, etc.
Jesus did not rebuke them because they were mis-appropriating the Old Testament. Rather He rebuked them for not understanding the Holy Spirit.
The disciples allowed their upbringing in the Law to override what they had heard and seen In Christ Jesus.
Jesus was moved with compassion toward people. Even those who were to crucify Him were forgiven by Him.
When Jesus said His disciples knew the Holy Spirit it was late in His ministry - actually just before He was to be crucified.
So, the ignorance of the Holy Spirit that the disciples had operated in earlier in His ministry had been replaced with knowledge of the Truth and the Holy Spirit.
In order to know the Holy Spirit you must be knowledgeable of the Truth and have personal experience with Him.
"That doesn`t sound like my friend Joe."
We have heard these kinds of comments made by people who receive an evil report about `Joe`. They make such a statement from a personal knowledge of `Joe`.
In order for us to know the Holy Spirit we must:
→ receive Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord
→ receive His Word as Truth
→ be filled with His Spirit Of Truth
As we meditate on His Word and fellowship with His Holy Spirit by Praying In The Spirit we grow in Grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus .
This personal fellowship translates into Knowing The Spirit so that we can try the spirits to see if it is in fact, the Holy Spirit.
The most basic test from the Word is found in .
But the Word is equally important because the Spirit Fruit can be feigned in order to deliver error.
Study to show yourself approved unto the Lord, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  |
Knowing The Spirit requires being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and being able to assess what is said and done with respect to the Word.