Calvinism principles    
Calvin and his followers drew incorrect conclusions based on a lack of understanding regarding our Lord`s extra-dimensional existence.   

Our Lord exists outside of time.   He is the great I Am.   

Our Lord created time in order for human will to exist.   

If there was no time there would be no period in which to make a choice for the Lord.   We would either come into existence for the Lord or against Him.   

Since Our Lord created time along with all other things, He can see the end from the beginning.   

So Our Lord can see who will be saved and who will be lost.   But, this does not mean He makes the decision.   

The scripture tells us that it is not Our Lord`s will that anyone perish.   

Because some people will end up in hell, we must conclude that Our Lord does not predetermine the outcome.   

Hence, only the T in TULIP is correct.