The NewWine is the Life of the Holy Spirit and the Word Manifested through the NewBirth .
It is not subject to Nature . It is Supernatural . But You have to Willingly , by Faith drink of it.
Let the Holy Spirit Glorify You by Manifesting the Glory of Christ Jesus through You .
2 Corinthians 3:18
But we All , with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord , are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory , even as by the Spirit of the Lord .
Message by Barry Bennett
New Wine is an acquired taste
"And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately Desires New ; for he says, 'The old is better.'" ( Luke 5:39 )
Be patient with those who haven’t made the switch to New Wine yet.
Say what You Will about the ‘old wine’ of Religion , it was All Humanity had for thousands of years. Men were put on the Earth to Seek God ( Acts 17:26-17 ) and the Religions they have invented are simply the results of that search.
The wine skins of Religion and Legalism were Not Life Giving but they served to keep Humanity from destroying itself even more quickly than it has. The barriers and boundaries of Religion cannot Give Life but they have Created Traditions and Rituals that have revealed a general Consciousness of Right and wrong.
For when Gentiles, who do Not have the Law , do by Nature the things contained in the Law , these, Not having the Law , are a Law unto themselves, who show the Work of the Law written in their hearts, their Conscience also bearing Witness , while their conflicting Thoughts accuse or even excuse them. ( Rom. 2:14-15 )
The Religions of man are an expression of God’s Law written in the Heart . Religion is a result of eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil . Every Lost person has the capacity to do Good and recognize Evil . But that is ‘old wine.’ It cannot save.
Embracing the Abundant Life of God’s Love and Grace , and Freedom from Guilt and Condemnation is hard for some. The ‘old wine’ is better in the Eyes of many. It gave form and Order to Life . Let’s Not Just attack the old wine and the old wine skins. Let’s be messengers of the New wine of God’s Love and Goodness with Grace and patience.