    [ Created: 2018-01-03 08:48:02  Updated: 2021-07-04 19:28:12   Owner: rl ]
Title: The quality of having a sound mind    

And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself. - Mar 3:21

Jesus' friends thought that He was Insane!

What is Normal? What people expect, what they are used to.

Normal is a relative adjective. It is used to measure abnormality on either side of its fulcrum.

We have seen Evil being called Good and Good being called Evil in our lifetime with the swing becoming more pronounced as each day passes.

We see those on the Left espousing positions that make no sense to us. We question their Sanity.

But, the truth is that they also consider our positions and values and question our Sanity.

Who is right? God.

Uprightness is standing with God.
Unrighteousness is standing against God.

So, what is Normal may or may not be Good. If the norm is based on the Word of God it is Good. If the norm is based on Rebellion against God it is Evil.

Back to Jesus...

Jesus grew up in Nazareth, the 'son' of a carpenter. He had a mostly Normal childhood. He made friends and he shared conversations and activities with those friends.

But Jesus knew who He was. He knew that He was the Son of God with a calling that was unique for all mankind. He was called to be the Saviour of the World.

As He grew in Knowledge of His Father and His purpose, His thinking changed, His Mind was filled with the Wisdom of God while His Heart was overwhelmed by God's Love for Him.

This made Jesus different than His friends.

As Jesus was baptized and the HolySpirit filled Him He took a deeper turn toward the Father.

After His wilderness experience of Fasting and Prayer culminating with His victory over Satan, the difference between Himself and His friends became more pronounced.

The Healings, Miracles and, most importantly, the Teaching they heard from Him caused them to think He had lost His Sanity.

We were created to be in Frllowship with God. To walk and talk with Him. To Glorify Him and be Glorified by Him.

And that is not Normal!

But it is our Destiny and the extent to which we move into that Realm of existence is the extent which we experience AbundantLife.

We are comfortable in the presence of Sanity. But what we perceive as Sanity may simply be an arbitrarily defined Normal.

In order to reach our potential we must be ready to be considered Abnormal or Insane by those who truly are even if they are in the majority .

A Son of God in the World today will appear to be just as 'beside himself' as Jeus appeared to be to His friends.