[ Created: 2023-11-10 05:50:08  Updated: 2024-08-03 09:27:08 Owner: rl ]
Title: Jesus (Jeshua) is the name of our Creator, Saviour and Lord    



There are many names used to inform us of the nature of the Creator in the Old Testament.   They describe various aspects of who He is and what He does.   

While those names were being used our Creator was only Soul and Spirit.   He had not yet become man.   He had not yet taken on a permanent Body by which to interact with His greatest creation - mankind.   

The apostle John who referred to himself as `the disciple whom Jesus loved` was more attentive to and more meditative of the Words that Jesus spoke.   

In and the subsequent verses of that chapter we hear John expressing transcendental Truth about God in terms that we can understand.   

Essentially he says that God has eternally existed as Word (Soul) and Spirit which together constitute a single being.   

And then he informs us that Jesus is the incarnation (flesh) of the eternal Word (Soul).   

Where did the name, Jesus, come from?   
    it means to deliver, to rescue - Saviour
    it was spoken by The Angel Of The Lord to Joseph
    it was spoken by Gabriel to Mary

Jesus is the fullness or completion of `God` .    Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body.   He is the image in which man was created .   

`God` is the generic term for the eternal creator and law giver.   It is not a proper name.   

Since Jesus is the fullness of `God`, Jesus is the name of `God`.   

Jesus told His disciples to baptize in His name, informing them that the notion of God as Father, God as Son and God as Holy Spirit must be referenced by His name only .   

We see throughout the New Testament how that Jesus is the Name Of God
    no other name
    name above every name
    all power in heaven and earth
    every knee will bow
    rule and reign
    judge quick and dead

This should inform us to refer to `God` using His proper name, Jesus.   

The name of the Holy Spirit Father who is in us is Jesus.   This is what 'in the name of Jesus' means.   

Until we come to grips with the fact that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus we miss the mark.   

There is only one name by which to be saved, only one name by which to be healed, only one name by which to be delivered and only one name to be revered.   And that is Jesus.   

Understanding that the Holy Spirit Father birthed Himself through Mary is necessary to appreciate the Gift that is in us.   

Jesus is the incarnation of His Holy Spirit.   He is the express image, manifestation, personification of His Holy Spirit Father.   This is how He could say 'I am my Father are One'.   

Don't ask 'God' for anything.   Talk to God using His name, Jesus.   To refuse to use His name is impersonal at the least and offensive at the worst.   Furthermore, it assures the prayer that his prayer will not be answered.