Carnally minded is the opposite, It is disconnected from the Word and the Holy Spirit . It is of the Flesh .
Jesus is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit . He always flowed naturally in the Holy Spirit . In so doing He said and did things that were Supernatural .
The secret to understanding the Holy Spirit and Spirit Gifts is that we enter into a partnership, a symbiotic Relationship with Him.
God has blessed us with Spiritual Blessings which contain all Physical Blessings and much more.
These Blessings are in Heaven, in the Spirit Realm, on the table that Christ has spread for us.
Faith in Christ's Provision enables us to take from that table the Blessing that we need for the hour.
Grace Provides, Faith Appropriates .
Spiritual Wickedness is the foundation for the attacks against our Faith and our Work for the Kingdom Of God . That Spiritual Wickedness comes from Satan through His Deception of mankind. Darkness is where Satan rules, using his powers of persuasion to convince men to turn away from God . When a person rejects Christ they become a Child Of Satan and unknowlingly or willingly become his instrument to Steal, Kill and Destroy .