What is your Reality ?
You confidently say " The Reality ".
But everyone can't be right when there are obviously different realities being lived out.
Examples: Homosexuality, drug use, islamic terrorism, murder by choice, evolution, climate change, globalism, socialism, etc.
For Christians Faith in God's Word should be our Reality. It was and is our Lord's.
Jesus said:
- The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
- That He came so we might have Abundant Life
- If a man believed in Him he would never Die
- Seek first God's Kingdom and Righteousness and all the other trappings of Life would be added
- To Ask and Receive
- That we would Receive Power from the Holy Spirit infilling
- To Heal the sick and set the captive Free
- To preach the Gospel to everyone everywhere
- To Pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
- To have Faith in God
Heaven was perfect when Jesus stepped down to earth. It was the earth that needed fixing. It was humans that needed saving. It was a new nature that we needed.
Jesus knew that individual by individual the New Nature would Tranform the earth so that the Will of God would be effected here .
Salvation is not just Insurance against Hell. It is a Transformed Life driven by the New Creature who is one with God .
Not believing in the fullness of Salvation results in loss - personally and societally.
Jesus never taught people to just hang on until His Return. He did Teach us to Believe in a new Reality by Repenting (changing our way of thinking). The new Reality is, that in Him all things are New and old things have passed away.
By holding on to the old and resisting the New we have failed to effect the Will of God on earth...so far.
Yes, Christ will Return one day and forcefully establish the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. But that is not His perfect Will. What is His perfect Will ?
That no one should perish but that everyone would receive Eternal Life .
Once we Receive Christ what is His perfect Will ?
That we Preach and Teach the Gospel while growing in Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ .
What will Christ be looking for at His return?
Heaven is at hand! . It is accessed and experienced in this age by Faith in the Word of God. One day it will be experienced through a New Spiritual Body .
Don't wait for it any longer! Live and Walk by Faith in the Spirit !