"That person is crazy."
"They are not playing with a full deck."
"What planet are they from?"
We have all heard or used similar statements that speak to a person's Sanity .
What IS a "sound mind"?
It is a Mind that is free from flaw, defect, or decay
What is a "flaw"?
It is a mark, fault, or other imperfection.
What is a "fault"?
It is an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature.
What is "unsatisfactory"?
It is unacceptable because poor or not good enough.
So, we see that Sane ultimately boils down to acceptability.
What is acceptable is determined by law, social norms or personal preference.
Hence, Sane is not absolutely defined.
If it is not absolutely defined then no one is unquestionably Sane .
The preceding logical discussion was presented to emphasize the importance of Absolute Authority .
Without Absolute Authority Reality becomes Subjective .
In a Subjective Reality there is instability. Laws may be changed as well as Opinions .
Christ Jesus commanded us to Repent - to change our way of thinking.
He was redefining Reality - what it means to be Sane .
He told us that the New Reality was not what our senses tell us, not what we feel inside, not what is socially acceptable, not what is made into law but what God says .
2000 years later we are still wrestling with His Teaching on this New Reality .
The Chaos in our Society today is actually serving to open our Eyes and Ears to the core Teachings of Christ Jesus .
Norms are being redefined. Laws are being rewritten. We see the old Reality being shaken by the forces of Satan .
So, we take a fresh look at the Gospel and the Words of our Lord .
As we do so, we realize that we have watered down or ignored His most Powerful Principle .
What is that Principle ?
It is the Principle that Faith trumps circumstance.
We have focused on Morality , Behavior and Ritual .
Listen to Jesus :
Luke 18:8b
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find Faith on the earth?
Sin has been washed away. Death has been defeated. These are non issues for Christ Jesus and should be for us.
Again, listen to Jesus :
Mark 11:22
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have Faith in God.
This is a Command from our Lord. He would not Command us to do something impossible. But we must be Willing to have Faith .
Once more listen to Jesus as He tells us why He commanded us to have Faith in God :
Mark 11:24
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye Desire , when ye Pray , Believe that ye Receive them, and ye shall have them.
This folks is a New Reality. It should be our Reality. Choose to enter that Reality. You will not only be Sane but you will be who Christ has Ordained you to be.