There is nowhere in the Bible where Going To Heaven is mentioned.
→ see heaven
→ enter heaven
We know that there are the heavens and the earth from . But this statement is about the earth and the universe in which it exists.
is not about the 'place' Jesus refers to in . This place is the Spirit Realm.
Humanity was kicked out of the Spirit Realm when Adam sinned. His spirit died and became the Sin Nature that all of his progeny inherited.
This is why Jesus came:
→ to pay the price for our sins
→ to enable us to be reborn as New Spirit beings and
→ for our bodies to be filled with His Holy Spirit.
All those who allow Christ Jesus to birth them into His kingdom enter into heaven - the Spirit Realm. .
Such do not go anywhere in the physical sense. They enter into the dimensions of the Spirit Realm .
Since we remain in our physical bodies after being Born Again, we do not fully enter the Spirit Realm.
When Christ Jesus returns He will translate us to be fully in the Spirit Realm. The dead In Christ will rise from their graves and we which are alive will be caught up into the air to meet our Lord.
In the translation, corruption will put on incorruption and mortality will put on immortality.
This sounds like we go somewhere.
Not really. This catching away is into the sky above the earth - in the clouds.
Once the Day Of Wrath is finished (we are raised in the morning of that day),
→ Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives along with us,
→ we celebrate Marriage Supper
→ we are rewarded
→ we rule and reign with Him for 1000 years.
What about 'after' the Millennial Kingdom?
→ the White Throne Judgment
→ the New Heaven And Earth
But there is no indication that we 'go' anywhere at that point.
I like to travel as much as the next person, and there may be places to go to, but wherever Jesus is is the best place in all creation.