But to fight is antithetical to most Christians.
Such read this verse and gut its import by saying fighting the fight of faith is only Spiritual Warfare. But James tells us that real faith produces works - and those works play out in the Physical Realm.
We 'lay hold' on the gift of Eternal Life by bringing it to bear in the Physical Realm. Otherwise Eternal Life is just theoretical.
Exercising our testimony is the foundation of our impact on the Physical Realm. It opens the door for the Kingdom Of God to manifest on earth as it does in heaven.
We are totally dependent on reaching people through the Word Of The Lord. It is the Truth. It is revelation, It is salvation, It is victory, It is peace, It is love. It is joy in the Holy Spirit.
If Hearing the Word of God produces Faith then it follows that Hearing anything that conflicts with the Word of God produces Unbelief.
So, the Good Fight of Faith is to exalt the Word of God and to discount anything that comflicts with it.
Furthermore, we "lay hold" on Eternal Life by fighting the Good Fight of Faith.
The gift of the Lord Jesus is His own Eternal Life, which is relationship with His Holy Spirit Joh 5:26.
There are two types of death: → physical death Heb 9:27 → spiritual death Rev 21:8.
Adam and Eve did not immediately die physically when they sinned. However, they immediately died spiritually Gen 2:17.
When a person sins, whether believer or unbeliever, the result is an aspect of death. Somethings shrinks or shrivels instead of growing when sin occurs Joh 10:10.
Jesus gives us His life - Eternal Life when we believe on Him. That gift is irrevokable Joh 14:16.
However, if we let sin reign in our mortal bodies we will suffer the consequences of that sin destroying our physical lives, our testimonies and our walk with the Lord Col 1:10.
Instead of us living a victorious, productive life with treasure laid up in heaven, we will be saved as by fire 1Cor 5:5.
Though Eternal Abundant Life is a Gift , we must "lay hold" on it in order for it to Manifest.
This is why our Minds must be Transformed, Renewed.
Conformity is good when it is to the Word and the Holy Spirit. Otherwise it is evil.
In order for the New Spirit being to manifest in our flesh, we must be transformed in mind, emotions and will (our soul).
When we are transformed we receive the wisdom and power of the Lord to do the work of Christ Jesus in our mortal bodies.
What is the good and acceptable and perfect will of our Lord? → It is that none perish 2Pe 3:9, → it is that all be healed 1Pe 2:24, → it is that all prosper 3Jn 1:2.
How is the Lord's will proved? → By the manifestation of evidence. What evidence? → salvation, healing and prosperity.
Hence, the only thing holding us back from experiencing the best that the Lord has for us is our minds.
Let the Mind Of Christ be in you. - Phi 2:5
The Manifestation of Good or Evil in our Lives is directly related to what enters our Minds and ends up in our Hearts.
Jesus is saying that virtually all the people He was talking to were vipers - cold-blooded snakes only interested in filling their guts.
They were evil and it was impossible for them to speak the Truth. Their hears were evil and so their speech was evil.
In order for these words the Lord spoke not to apply to us, we must repent and change our minds, our thinking, to that of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In this Information age we are inundated with so called facts that undermine our Faith.
We must fight against any Information which conflicts with God`s Word.
In any fight there is a winner and there is a loser.
What what do we lose if we don`t fight?
We lose our Inheritance. We lose the benefits of God`s Gift - Eternal Abundant Life.
What Good does it do you to be offered a Gift and not "lay hold" on it?
We "lay hold" on the things of Hod by Faith.
Faith is the power to appropriate what Grace has provided. It pleases the Lord Jesus for us to receive what He has made available to us. 2Co 8:9
Head Faith is the starting point but it is always tempered by doubt and unbelief. Jesus talked about continuing in His Word and keeping His Word Joh 8:31 Joh 14:23,24.
Faith must move from your head into your heart in order to appropriate the provisions of Grace.
Being able to operate in Heart Faith is a function of your mind being transformed to the Mind Of Christ Phi 2:5.
Jesus believed every Word that came from the Father's mouth Mat 4:4 and so must we in order to operate in power and authority as He did Joh 14:12.
Faith is the state of our heart regarding that which we desire.
Jesus is telling us to visualize a desire, ask for it and immediately receive it in faith.
The act of desiring, hoping, asking, believing and receiving by faith is a seed that is planted. The manifestation of that which is desired is the harvest.
The Spiritual Law of Seed Time And Harvest is foundational to all that the Lord has created.
1) We sow 2) the Lord produces 3) We harvest.
These verses clearly state the importance of Faith. There is no substitute for Faith - not even much Praying !
Satan does not want you to Inherit the things of God. He is fighting against your Faith.
Are you going to Fight the Good Fight of Faith and Receive your Inheritance or are you going to let the thief Steal it ?