Hence it is impossible for God to be Unrighteous .
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace .
The specific Sins of carnality enumerated in verses 9 and 10 all boil down to Self Worship which is the same sin that derailed Lucifer . The first commandment precludes Self Worship which is idolatry .
Fellowship requires agreement . Evil does not compromise as compromise requires good will . Hence, when we try to fellowship with evil, we must do the compromising.
God is inclusive only on His terms. He accepts no one who has not believed on Jesus Christ and been born of the Holy Spirit .
The reason for this rigidity is that light and darkness cannot coexist. Neither can good and evil,
Those in his power did not have a Love Of The Truth and so were Deceived,
The only thing that separates a person from God is a lack of His Spirit in them ( 1Jn 4:13 ).
When we Receive Christ Jesus, we Receive His Word and His Spirit and become New Spirit beings ( Joh 3:5 Gal 4:29 ).
There is no other way to be Reconciled to God ( Act 4:12 1Jn 5:12 ).