The following was written in response to Obama's statement that America is not a Christian nation followed by Trump's statement that America is a Christian nation.
It's time that Christians understand that the pPower of Life and Death is in our Tongues .
Obama understood it and used his demonically inspired words to destroy America .
Christians must attack the Enemy with the only Weapon they have - the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God .
With respect to this world, Jesus has all Power in Heaven and in earth. That means that all nations are Christian nations. We are commanded to Preach the Gospel to every creature, letting them know about the Authority of Christ Jesus over Sin , Sickness , Poverty and every dart of the Enemy . We are to inform the world that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the Father .
Get with it Christians ! You are already sons of God . You have His Spirit . You have His Word . You have His Authority .
Thank God for a president who understands where all Authority lies and is willing to prophetically Speak what will be realized when we follow his lead and, more importantly, the lead of King Jesus .