When Jesus spoke to the crowd of accusers these words:
" He that is without Sin among You, let him first cast a stone at her. "
He was rightfully accusing all of humanity. If she was worthy of death so are all of us.
The finger-pointing/stone-casting that is going on in our country today is self-righteous hypocrisy.
It is motivated by Satan, the accuser, who is the author of confusion, who comes to steal, kill and destroy.
The court of public opinion is being swayed by politically-motivated liars.
Blood-letting begets blood-letting. It is not the solution. It Will result in all of us lying on the floor in our own blood.
Christ Jesus told us to forgive in order to be forgiven. A spirit of hatred is a spirit of unforgiveness. It is not of God who is love.
How can you tell who to trust? How can you identify who is lying and who is not?
Folks, there is no middle ground. Either a person is In Christ or they are in Satan. Those In Christ Will be motivated by the SpiritOfChrist. Those that are in Satan Will be motivated by the Spirit Of Antichrist.
You, your family, your community and your nation will stand or fall based on what is done with Christ Jesus.
Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel to every Creature. It is the only way for humanity to be saved from itself.
If you have a stone in your hand, drop it. Take up your cross (testimony) and follow Jesus.