Is the Pursuit Of Knowledge all that it is cracked up to be?
One may argue that medical science, technology, industry, etc are good products of the Pursuit Of Knowledge.
Yes, humanity has made life easier and extended life spans via the Pursuit Of Knowledge.
However, man is primarily a spirit being who has a soul and a body. The advances mentioned above have only served to enhance the body and, to some extent, the soul of man.
Since we are primarily spirit, such advances have left us spiritually immature while empowering us to live out that immaturity in our body and soul.
The Pursuit Of Knowledge by philosophers has actually served to derail humanity. It has tried to supplant the notion of a Creator and Law Giver, leaving its adherents adrift - lost, without purpose and fatalistic.
So, I conclude that the Pursuit Of Knowledge is at best over-rated and at worst a foolish distraction, a dead-end road.
The Pursuit Of Truth is another matter. Many have asked the question: 'What is truth?'.
The Lord Jesus Christ, who is our Creator and Law Giver and Saviour, is Truth.
Rather than pursuing secular knowledge we aught to be pursuing Truth. That is found in Christ Jesus through hearing, believing, receiving and doing His Word by the power of His Holy Spirit.
May we come to our senses and recognize that the Pursuit Of Knowledge was what caused Adam and Eve to partake of the Forbidden Fruit.
Stop eating of the Forbidden Fruit and turn your focus to the Pursuit Of Truth In Christ Jesus.