The idea that each individual`s Eternal destiny is predetermined by God is of Satan.
How so?
It contradicts Scripture.
If it is God`s Will that all be Saved, then all are Saved or God is Evil for sending anyone to Hell - at least on the basis of Extreme Sovereignty Theology.
God is the Creator and Law giver, the rules maker. In that sense He Predestined all things.
God Knows the beginning from the end.
To Know something is not the same as causing something.
God is outside of Time. He can see all Time at once. So, He can see the beginning and the end in the Now. He is the great I Am!
Your Life is NOT scripted. It is determined by your Choices and God`s Grace.
Jesus has left His Disciples as stewards until He returns. So, the ball is in our court as His stewards.
He will take account from us for our stewardship at His return.
Jesus is Life!
Choose Life!
And Live!