[ Created: 2017-11-22 17:44:48  Updated: 2022-04-28 09:01:26 Owner: rl ]
Title: Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power    



Jesus began His Ministry telling us to Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.   "Repent" means to change our way of thinking.   

We are to change our way of thinking about God.   Instead of seeing Him as as an Enemy of mankind because of Sin , we are to see Him as Savior and Healer - as merciful and loving and Kind.   We are to see Him as Father.   We are to see ourselves as Sons.   We are to be Filled with the Spirit of God.   

We are to live Powerful, Effective Lives.   We are to Ask and Receive.   We are to Speak and see obstacles moved.   We are to see the Sick Healed and those in captivity set Free.   We are to see Signs and Wonders.   

If God is Love, if God is Good, would not all the above be true?   

What has kept Christianity Weak and ineffective in the World has been a lack of Faith in the Goodness of God - a lack of Understanding of the Finished Work of Christ Jesus.   

God has 1 rule for accessing all that Christ has provided to us - Have Faith In God.   That Faith is based on the Word of God - Jesus, the Incarnate Word, and the Bible, the Written Word.   

Do not be a Settler.   Have Faith in God.   Speak those things that are not as if they were.   
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
In this statement Jesus lays out the revolutionary Law Of Faith revealing how He has enabled us to access all Spiritual Blessings He has provided for us in Heavenly Places.     

How does He enable us?     By His Holy Spirit.     
The Holy Spirit gives us supernatural faith that enables us to believe, and so to receive.

Here is a foundational Spiritual Law:
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to the Lord must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Believe that
    Jesus is Mighty God
    Jesus is loving and giving
    Jesus will reveal Himself to those who seek Him
    Jesus Himself is your exceeding great reward

Faith is the power to appropriate what Grace has provided.     It pleases the Lord Jesus for us to receive what He has made available to us.     

God is saying that when we have Faith we please Him.   When we Doubt and Fear He is not pleased.   

God is pleased when we Walk in the Spirit :
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please the Lord.
Faith pleases the Lord.     There is no faith involved in following after the lusts of the flesh.

What does it mean to be in the Flesh?   

We walk by Sight and not by Faith.   
We deal with the issues of Life bound by rational thinking and our knowledge of Physical Laws and experience.   
We are Bound by Circumstance.   

The Law Of Faith works in the Universe just as the Law Of Gravity does.   Faith is a Force just like gravity.   

Christ came that the Sin Nature would be removed (die) and to give us a New Nature by the New Birth.   When we are Born Again we should begin to use the Law of Faith, the Force of Faith to achieve His goal for mankind.   That is having Faith in God.   

What is God`s goal for mankind?   
For the Holy Spirit so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Holy Spirit is the eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Creator of all things by the Word.     

What world is John speaking of?     
The earth and all the people born into humanity.     

The Holy Spirit is love and love is of the Holy Spirit.     

The world was created by our Lord and it is good.     We know that man chose rebellion against the Holy Spirit and so humanity became evil.     But the Holy Spirit loves the people of this world and so He birthed Christ Jesus into the world to redeem it and us.     

The Gospel is heard and those who are hungry are lead by the Holy Spirit to believe and receive the Truth.     

The Truth sets us free from sin, from death and hell and brings us to Eternal Life by the infilling of the Holy Spirit.     

Here is understanding:
    Everlasting Life is Eternal Life
    Eternal Life is union with the Holy Spirit.

So, rather than using the Law of Faith to achieve selfish goals (as the carnal do) we who are in Christ should be operating in the Law of Faith to further the Kingdom of God.   

Everything that we do has an element of Faith.   We believe that the Sun will come up when we lie down at night.   We believe that our investment will yield returns.   We believe that we will be paid by our employer and so on...   

Faith pleases God because it is the foundation for Order , for Increase , for Life.   

Abraham believed God and left his family and homeland.   

Noah built the ark.   

Moses struck the Red Sea.   

The Old Testament is filled with examples of people acting in Faith.   God rewarded each one of them because He was pleased.   

Jesus had Faith in the Father.   It enabled Him to do Miracles and Healings, and ultimately, to be raised from the Dead.   

Our Faith is made real when we Act on it.   The most powerful way to act on Faith is to Speak what we are hoping for and to Receive it as we Speak.   

God Believes that when He Speaks something, it will happen.   

Creation is the evidence of the Word Of Faith Law, that it exists, has Power and that God operates in it.   

As God`s Children we are expected to emulate our Father.   

Christ Jesus came to show us how to do it.   We have to Believe and Speak.   

How do we emulate our Heavenly Father?   
We use our Words to Create , to Heal , to Save , to set Free to bring forth Life.   

How does God`s Words produce results?   
They Issue forth from His essence which is Love.   

Why did God Create All Physical things?   
Because He wanted us.   He wanted Children.   He wanted us to share existence with Him.   He wanted us to Fellowship with Him.   

How will our Words produce results?   
Because God gave a Spiritual Law that Says the Power of Life and Death are in the tongue.   

How do we use our Words to produce Life?   
By Faith operating in Love.   

Do you Believe in your Ideas or what God says?   

The Faith that pleases God and moves mountains comes only from Hearing God`s Word.   

Furthermore, we are expected to be doers of the Word , not just Hearers.   

We become doers of the Word when it Changes how we Think, Feel, Speak and Do.   

Jesus said: " Repent ( Change your Way of Thinking) for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand".   

He was telling us to start Believing God`s Word so that the Power of His Kingdom will Manifest in our Lives.   

What have you got to lose?   

You`re either Word Of Faith or Word Of Doubt.   

The Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue.   

As a man Believes in his Heart so is he.   

We are to be the head and not the tail.   

Christ suffered that we Might have Abundant Life.   

Christ is now Lord of Heaven and Earth.   

We are joint heirs with Him.   

We are Now the Sons of God.   

We are a Royal priesthood.   

We are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.   

We are Born of the Spirit of God so that makes us Children of God who carry His Spiritual genes ( Fruit of the Spirit and Gifts of the Spirit).   

We are Perfect in the new creature - the Spirit.   

To Believe otherwise than is stated above is to Blaspheme ( Denigrate) the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   

Many are doing so and many are Weak and Poor and virtually worthless to the Kingdom of God.   

God is Good, God is Love.   God is the Creator.   We are His offspring created unto Good Works.