Sexually healthy males will demonstrate aggressive behavior.
This is an historical, sociological fact.
The way that Pagan societies dealt with this was by making Eunuchs of men who would work in sexually compromising situations.
For example, harems were protected from compromise by being served by Eunuchs .
Today, rather than physical castration, socialism is promoting psychological castration, Emasculation , as a means for controlling male aggressiveness.
In a Christian culture, the male aggression is managed by Spiritual Law. Christians are to 'do unto others', 'love their neighbor', 'abstain from Fornication ', 'not commit Adultery ', etc.
Christianity has had an enormous effect upon WesternCivilization where women are respected and honored.
As our Federal Government moved away from God centered precepts, the Moral Character of the citizenry wilted. As a result we see more aggression toward and abuse of women leading to more and more Laws to 'protect' them.
But beyond the tensions between the sexes, the Feminist movement is making Political hay over immoral behaviour by high-profile men.
Furthermore, in concert with LGBTQ , they are actively involved in the Emasculation of men through Effeminism propaganda distributed through the Entertainment industry.