[ Created: 2017-11-12 12:27:01  Updated: 2018-11-06 22:57:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: A place of separation from God    



Let's get this straight:

God doesn't send anyone to Hell.   

They turn their backs on Him ( Jesus ), open the door , and Walk straight in under the Power of their own self will.   

Hell will eventually be cast into the lake of fire.   
And Death and Hell were cast into the lake of Fire.   This is the second Death.   

20181105 Recently, I was having a discussion about the nature of God's wrath and hell.   When we consider that God IS Love and that His will is that no one perish it is inconsistent to see God become wrathful in the human sense.   

So why does the Bible talk about the "wrath of God"?   

Just as I believe we cannot comprehend the magnitude of God's love, we are also unable to comprehend existence without God's presence, power and favor.   

Just as the creation is held together by His Word, every human being is being sustained by His Word and His Spirit - even those who have not believed on our Lord.   

The lake of fire is a place where God is not.   As said above, no one can imagine what existence is without God.   

I believe that the wrath, the fire, the worm, the torment are symbols to express something we have never and hopefully will never experience - eternal existence without the presence, the power, the love of Him who created us and died for us.   

There is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.   But to be outside of Christ is be on the outskirts of hell facing eternity without God, one heartbeat away from no return.