    [ Created: 2017-11-10 13:40:04  Updated: 2017-11-11 08:03:35   Owner: rl ]
Title: Deserving strong condemnation

Hillary made headlines last year by classifying half of Trump's supporters as Deplorables . She thought she was being gracious by saying 'only half' and would get a pass on the statement.

From the standpoint of Liberalism , there is a simple distinction of who is Deplorable and who is not:

Anyone who disagrees with Liberal Ideology is Deplorable . This is Fascism . It is the Political Manifestation of the SecularHumanism Religion .

Just as Islam considers non-muslims Deplorable and as Christianity deems non-Christians Deplorable so also does the Religion of SecularHumanism consider non-Liberals Deplorable .

Islam demands that everyone convert to Islam .

Fascism demands that non-Liberals convert to Liberalism .

Christianity demands nothing. It is an invitation for the individual to Receive Christ Jesus .

Of the three major forces in the world today only one, Christianity , is compatible with Freedom .