The scriptures tell us that we are in Warfare , Spiritual Warfare.
If we are doing our part we are serving as Warriors , not as bystanders.
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
This verse characterizes the tone with which we fight. Aince the whole objective of the Gospel is to bring Abundabt Life it is clear that we are to do no physical harm while using every tactic possible to introduce Light.
20210713 update - What On Earth Are We Doing!?
Is the earth the Lords?
Has all power been given to Christ?
Is Christ King of all and Lord of all?
Has all power in heaven and earth been given to Christ?
Are we sons of God?
Are we joint-heirs with Christ of all things?
Are we the head and not the tail?
Are we above and not beneath?
Is the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead in us?
Are we more than conquerors?
Can we do all things through Christ?
Should we resist the devil?
Are we to run the devil our of every place?
Are we to armour-up for the battle?
Are we to wrestle against spiritual wickedness?
Are we expected to storm the gates of hell?
If so, what on earth are we doing?